I have no idea why this thread is appearing three times. Something to do with the 500 posting error?
I have no idea why this thread is appearing three times. Something to do with the 500 posting error?
Same board. Difference may be in home page and in venues for advertising.
But why aren't there active posts from the named community? I saw, for example, that Morristown had a subcategory, but there was only one thread. MOL is so terrific as a source of information, etc., you would think that other towns would follow suit.
joan_crystal said:
Same board. Difference may be in home page and in venues for advertising.
Likely way fewer Morristown residents posting. I know of only one and he joined MOL while still living in Maplewood.
Jamie posted recently that he is looking for someone to take over some of the other sites. I cannot find his post. Suggest you get in touch with him.
Promote your business here - Businesses get highlighted throughout the site and you can add a deal.
I see that there seem to be other sites like maplewoodonline--e.g., one for Morristown, one for Summit--but those links take users to the same discussions as Maplewood. Can anyone explain?
I was hoping to get some information about public transportation from certain Morris county towns, so I was looking for a board like MOL.