Monthly Gay Night Out in Maplewood/SO archived

I'd like to propose a monthly Gay Night Out in Maplewood/SO at someplace like the Pub, Here's to the Arts or the Dancing Goat. It would be great to get to know some other neighbors from the area and develop some community continuity. Any interest?

And before the "banshees on crack" from the Gay Google Thread get started (as quoted from the thread itself and a very funny line), here's my disclaimer:
- No offense intended by the description from the Gay Google Thread above. I just thought it was a very funny statement after an intense five page thread and very seasonally appropriate
- This would not be an exclusive event. If you want to attend and you are heterosexual, that's fine
- Why do I want to be around a group of gay people? Well, because I'm gay and many gay people have experienced coming out or discrimination experiences that can give something in common to even the most different types of gay people. And gay people are not homogenous, so I would expect a wide range of diversity in such a group from male to female, from black to white to brown, from young adults to seniors, from couples to parents to singles, from conservatives to liberals, from rock climbers to knitters and more. It can be a lot of fun to be in a group of gay people and very enlightening (just joking and no offense Old Stone. Sorry, I know you've been picked on a lot and I have really enjoyed some of your threads)
- I am not affiliated with any group or establishment that might benefit from this although I may post this on the Google and Rainbow Families groups sites.
- I am not plotting a takeover to turn this area into Provincetown. It's just one night a month and even the garden club has that.

So please post or whisper your interest. If I get a good response, I'll post again with a date and location.

Ok, now I'll sit back and watch the banter. After all it is a MOL thread with "gay" in the heading! (and yes, it's great to be in an area that has so many people who are concerned about discrimination of all kinds).

Dude! I'm in!!

Come on, Oldstone, I'll hold your hand... :bigsmile:


well, i do know you a little, erin. maybe.

but i can just see it now....oh, so that's oldstone...:shamed:

And no MOL handle name tags required!

Jeeze, Omoh, how many threads did you start?

Just one for each town

I think it's a great idea. Even though I'm not gay I'd attend if the timing was right (although according to that stupid test I'm bi-sexual and the only one not in the 'grey area').

Maybe you can hold it at the pub and for one night they could change the name to St. Gay's Gate.

Never mind. Ignore that.

Help me out here, Oldstone... :wink:


You are just a Face to Face nympho aren't you. Just kidding

Hey I think its a great idea alas I can't join. There was a singles event not to long ago that I wished I could have joined but I heard it was great fun!

Posted By: bajouLetters:

You are just a Face to Face nympho aren't you.

Actually, I don't make too many but I do like meeting people. It is one of the fun things in life, you know what I mean?

Letters I was kidding. It was great to meet you at the last one. I find it much nicer to post to people I have met face to face.

I took no offense.

I find it much nicer to post to people I have had sex with.

Never mind, again!!! :shamed:

So I guess you will start a blog then right?

Letters is feeling a little snarky tonight...

ANOTHER blog somebody wants me to start. Well, they are sort of connected.....

The "I'm bi-sexual and am doing the dirty with as many MOL'ers as I can" blog....

Hmmmm.. it has potential...

I wonder if omoh is po'd yet that we have sort of hijacked this thread? Look at the bright side, omoh. We're keeping it up there so people can notice it. :thumbup:

Well then let's keep it going...


I'm not gay, but if Oldstone is going then I'm going. I'll be happy to hold his hand too. And I think people like him well enough that there would be no danger of him being lynched, should he out himself.

meand, you are being awfully sweet....thanks.

letters, maybe you should go with me as your first foray into gaydom ! (or maybe i should take that back as you ARE 49% gay, right? or was that bendy or fishy)

Hey maybe you can go with Dumbledore...he was just outed by J.K. Rowling

No, OS, I wasn't 49%, I was more like 65%.... no futher comment.

And YES, my best friend just called me to tell me about Dumbledore!! WTF !!!???


I scored a 50 on the test so I'm a 50/50 type of guy.

I don't know if I'm coming or going!!!

Hey, if I'm not doing anything with the wife I'll be your date. :bigsmile:

So I guess that would make Voldemort a homophobe. Remember he was afraid of Dumbledore!

bajou !!!!! bad girl.

Now Oldstone, is your name Voldemort?

But seriously it all makes sense now. Voldemort was so obsessed with Dumbledores wand. Wand envy! Who would have thunk!!!

See, now that's funny, according to the test, OS is straight and bendy is gay! :rolling:

If Oldstone is going I will become gay to meet him.

you so crazy, your highness !

So, what happened to the night out discussion?

Maybe Oldstone can babysit.....

an honorable out...i like it. thanks.

If I go to this thing, do I get free drinks becaose of my test scores????

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