Millburn Town council results archived

Ok I think this can be a separate thread.

The town council race was razor close. I expect there will be some challenges but as of now:

Dem - James F. SUELL 3,858 24.60%
Dem - Stephanie NESSER 3,607 23.00%
Rep - Richard TAMBOR 3,771 24.05%
Rep - Robert T. TILLOTSON 3,927 25.04%
- Patricia 'Tricia' LISTER 519 3.31%
Write-In 0 0.00%
Total 15,682 100.00%

So, it looks as if the Item carried the day.

IMO opinion not a terrible result (though not the one I voted for). We keep Suell's experience and the good he has done on deer control and his ideas about a land swap with East Orange to increase our playing fields. But Baer/Suell will not be able to control the votes on redevelopment. Had Suell and Nesser both won I would have felt very different, but Nesser came in 4th.

That 100% is a tally of what percentage of votes cast were accounted for.

However the same site shows that over 87% of those registered in Millburn did vote, if I read it correctly:

Nice turn out.

Well, it's a good balance and I'm pleased that the political marketing didn't sway voters to make a decision based on political parties. I was really hoping Tambor would make the TC, I hope he will still remain involved and run again. It was very close, maybe they'll use my provisional ballot now instead of just throwing it in the trash, I'm a little bitter about that one.

Also nice to see that Tillotson trumped Suell.

The balance is now against the Baer/Suell redevelopment plans. This will keep it in cheque.

I voted for the Republicans locally because, and only because, of my opposition to the redevelopment plan so I'm pleased with the split verdict.

Not over.
The site that was posted listed 14 out of 16 precincts reporting.
The two missing precincts could be from Wyoming.

I would not dance on Suell's grave yet.

rumor has it they might benefit republicans

a rumor from we love money

Whatever, I voted straight Dem except for Nasser who supported the $40 million bond. Could ntever vote for someone like that. Great victory for Obama and Tillotson.


Who is we love money?

Walt now 15 out of 16 districts are in.
Curious as to where the missing votes are.

that curly haired guy's group.
we love money.

Curly haired guy? Can you be more specific? Never heard of them. Are they here in town?

they ran some candidates for the bd of ed.
Didn't do that great.

Do you mean We Love Millburn? They also saved us $40 million in campaigning against the school bond. The school demographer now claims that the enrollments have topped out. It seems that even the $20 million bond was excessive.

That youtube video they did about the redevelopment was very good. I saw it and came down to the library presentation because of it.

So Hawkeye, what's your problem with we love Millburn?

I'm from Maplewood. Could someone give me a synopsis of the issues in the campaign and its issues?

They are still showing only 15 of 16 precincts accounted for. Given that the 15 have accounted for ~15K votes, that's probably 1000 votes not yet counted. Could make a significant difference for someone.

Guess the fat lady hasn't sung yet.

As for the issues... you're kidding, right? However, if you are not, there are several threads on Downtown Redevelopment in the Millburn/Short Hills category which was, for most people, the main concern this election. The deer population control is another, although not as heavily influencing most people's decision this time around, I think.

According to the ledger
Suell tops the ticket.

Must be killing we love money

I think deer control is a matter of intense and loud passion for a very small percentage of the community and therefore ends up seeming like a bigger issue than it is.


Why would that be killing anyone? LOL

because they worked hard against him.

We Love Millburn worked hard against Suell? Must have missed it. If they did I would have taken their lead and voted against Suell. But I think they didn't, not at all, or I would have heard about it.

I also read that they don't even start to count the 'provisional ballots' until next week.

They may not officially call this one for a bit yet.

Shades of 2004, huh?

According to someone at WLM - to his knowledge, the group did not take a position on the election. They do not take positions on candidates.

Did the Short Hills Association take a position? Maybe that's what you are thinking about. They take positions on candidates.

they did not "officially" take a position.

didn't a wlm guy attack nessar at the debate.

Which one was the wlm guy? Do they wear shirts identifying themselves as wlm? And what if Nesser was "attacked?" She was running for public office. She has an obligation to answer questions that are posed to her so that the voting public fully understands her positions. If she doesn't like tough questions, then she shouldn't be running for office. Get out of the kitchen!!

I do recall that wlm also brought to the town's attention that the town was being shortchanged by the mall for taxes. This forced the township committee to pursue the mall for the additional taxes which netted us, the Millburn taxpayers, a great savings.

Between the mall taxes, the defeat of the $40mm bond, and the opposition to the redevelopment plans, it looks like wlm has conservatively saved the community over $130mm in just the past few years.

Hawkeye -- is that why you call them "we love money?"

I thought I saw a guy ask questions of Stephanie and she got all defensive. Not that she was unfairly attacked, but her answer was revealing. And based in part on that answer, I did not vote for her. I didn't see any position at all taken by WLM. The guy might have been associated with WLM, but WLM is clear they do not endorse or oppose candidates. Smart position.

Looks like they've gotten some of the absentee ballots counted, but they are still showing only 15 of 16 precincts counted. Still too close to call. I'm guessing there'll be a recount, not sure if it's automatic or not. With only ~300 (~2%) votes between top and bottom (and far less between winning 'second' and 'loosing' third place) I'd hope it'd be automatic:

Township Committee Millburn
15/16 93.75%
Under Votes 2318
Over Votes 0

Vote Count Percent
Dem - James F. SUELL 4,246 25.16%
Dem - Stephanie NESSER 3,938 23.33%
Rep - Richard TAMBOR 3,992 23.65%
Rep - Robert T. TILLOTSON 4,125 24.44%
- Patricia 'Tricia' LISTER 568 3.37%
Write-In 7 0.04%
Total 16,876 100.00%

The guy on tv36's debate that personally attacked Nessar is in wlm's video and identified on their site as an officer.A little more than an associate Walt.

Nessar actually defended herself quite nicely and drew applause from the audience.

I don't think we love money gives the citizens of this great community enough credit.

The 40 Million dollar bond referendum was a "joke' and would have been voted down with or without we love money.

The same thing with the redevelopment.All we love money does is point out the obvious in a very obnoxious way.

Hawkeye.... you are truly very funny... LOL

As I recall, the question that you are referring to that was asked of Nesser went something like this:

"Ms. Nesser, you were a very vocal supporter of the $40 million bond a couple of years ago. We now know for certain that the demographic study that supported the $40 mm bond was grossly inaccurate since the latest demographic study concluded that the enrollment has flattened out -- just two years after we were told that the enrollments will keep growing at an aggressive rate. Our enrollments have clearly proven the projections provided by the BOE wrong by 300 students over our current enrollment. How can we, as a community, trust that you, Ms. Nesser, are capable of doing the research and due diligence to assure us that your decisions will be based upon facts rather than hyperbole? Why should we vote for you in the face of your prior support of a proposal that had no legitimate reason for being?"

Ms. Nesser's response was "I would support and vote for the $40mm bond today as well."

So much for your theory that the $40 mm bond would have been voted down anyway. I remember that the $40 mm referendum was very divisive to the community with a 6 to 3 split on the BOE in favor of the referendum. I suspect that it would have passed if the community wasn't made aware of the issue. We would now be $40 mm more in the hole.

As Walter mentioned, there was no "personal attack" upon Ms. Nesser -- just a tough question that illuminated Ms. Nesser's position. She did get somewhat emotional when she responded, but that is not the fault of the questioner. As I noted before -- Can't stand the heat, then get out of the kitchen.

As to the development debate, that WLM youtube video brought me to the meeting at the library to see what the issues were. I had no idea that this was happening here in town. We love Millburn did an admirable job in alerting the community about this matter.

Hawkeye -- From your attacks upon WLM it appears that you are feeling somewhat left out. Maybe you should consider joining that group if they will have you. They appear to be very buttoned up with their research and I understand very selective with new members.


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