Marvin Gaye asked "What's Going On?" and so should we

Police brutality. Sniper shootings at police. An inflammatory presidential nominee who recklessly retweets from Nazi accounts. Gays, lesbians and trans gunned down. Blacks and browns feeling as though they're being hunted. Police feeling as though they get zero respect. Neighborhoods locked down in silence. Police departments locked down in silence.

What's going on? 

Madness, chaos... the wild wild west... 

My heart hurts by all this killing going on... I can only imagine what those directly affected must be going through...

About a murder in Dealy Plaza in 1963, a few blocks from last night's tragedy:

Malcolm X: Well I said the same thing that everybody said. That uh, his assassination was the result of the climate of hate, only I said, that the chickens came home to roost, which means the same thing. A climate of hate means that this is the result of something. And when I said chickens coming home to roost, I said the same thing.  

italics are mine

The "result of something," to me, in this case, is obvious. How much video do we have to watch to realize that cops need better training; police departments need the money to attract better, more centered candidates. After Tamir Rice, we learned that the killer cop was seriously unqualified; after the recent killing, we learned that both attending cops had disciplinary records and very brief tenures.

Sorry not to dwell on the murderous reaction we saw last night. But mourning doesn't fix the climate of fear of black men by under-qualified cops.

It is the left that has made the job of being a police officer one that only the unstable would want.

bramzzoinks said:

It is the left that has made the job of being a police officer one that only the unstable would want.

People are dead. Why don't  you stop?

bramzzoinks said:

It is the left that has made the job of being a police officer one that only the unstable would want.

What a insane, stupid, and cowardly thing to say.

bramzzoinks said:

It is the left that has made the job of being a police officer one that only the unstable would want.

It's more about budgets, but thanks for the usual response.

Sorry left if the truth hurts but it is the truth. You have made being a police officer an impossible job then you complain anytime something goes wrong. But it is your fault. You caused it.

And no GL2 your typical statist response is bogus. It is not about budgets. There is plenty of money as is.

I can't answer this post without being banned.  

hoops said:

I can't answer this post without being banned.  

It's OK. It's been answered.

bramzzoinks said:

It is the left that has made the job of being a police officer one that only the unstable would want.

In what way?  By trying to eliminate racial disparities in policing?  By holding police accountable when they do wrong?  I am afraid I don't understand your logic.

tjohn said:
bramzzoinks said:

It is the left that has made the job of being a police officer one that only the unstable would want.

In what way?  By trying to eliminate racial disparities in policing?  By holding police accountable when they do wrong?  I am afraid I don't understand your logic.

Why try?

LOST said:
tjohn said:
bramzzoinks said:

It is the left that has made the job of being a police officer one that only the unstable would want.

In what way?  By trying to eliminate racial disparities in policing?  By holding police accountable when they do wrong?  I am afraid I don't understand your logic.

Why try?

Well, I assume that Zoinks is not a gun-totin' member of the Stormfront and might be able to use his words.

bramzzoinks said:

Sorry left if the truth hurts but it is the truth. You have made being a police officer an impossible job then you complain anytime something goes wrong. But it is your fault. You caused it.

And no GL2 your typical statist response is bogus. It is not about budgets. There is plenty of money as is.

Sorry, I'm just parroting this guy - 

Tom Fuentes served as an Assistant Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) from 2004 until his retirement in November 2008. His 29-year career in the FBI included 11 years as a member of the U.S. Government’s Senior Executive Service. Mr. Fuentes directed the FBI Office of International Operations,[1] which included offices at FBI Headquarters in Washington, D.C. and 76 Legal Attaché offices in U.S. Embassies and Consulates worldwide

- and not that man inside your reactionary little head.

Last night, I clicked on a news article which had an embedded video that automatically started playing footage of the Dallas shootings. I haven't watched some of the videos as of late because frankly, I may not always be in the mood to witness a murder.

There's something about engaging in such graphic, instant public video evidence of violent crimes that just rubs me the wrong way. My mind leaps to "Passion of the Christ" and I wonder - do people just _want_ to see it or do they feel they _need_ to see it?

tjohn said:
bramzzoinks said:

It is the left that has made the job of being a police officer one that only the unstable would want.

In what way?  By trying to eliminate racial disparities in policing?  By holding police accountable when they do wrong?  I am afraid I don't understand your logic.

By saying any questionable thing that happens we will give you no benefit of any doubt and put any pressure possible to put you in the dock.

bramzzoinks said:
tjohn said:
bramzzoinks said:

It is the left that has made the job of being a police officer one that only the unstable would want.

In what way?  By trying to eliminate racial disparities in policing?  By holding police accountable when they do wrong?  I am afraid I don't understand your logic.

By saying any questionable thing that happens we will give you no benefit of any doubt and put any pressure possible to put you in the dock.

In a perfect world, police departments would self-police more effectively and would be better respected by the community for doing so.  Every police department knows who their bad eggs and loose cannons are, but for various reasons, they circle the wagons and protect these guys and everybody suffers.

But as it is now, reform mostly comes only through intense external pressure.  It isn't anti-police to ask them to be better.

bramzzoinks said:
tjohn said:
bramzzoinks said:

It is the left that has made the job of being a police officer one that only the unstable would want.

In what way?  By trying to eliminate racial disparities in policing?  By holding police accountable when they do wrong?  I am afraid I don't understand your logic.

By saying any questionable thing that happens we will give you no benefit of any doubt and put any pressure possible to put you in the dock.

OK, I will give you the benefit of the doubt that you really believe that.

But would you please give me an example of anyone "on the Left" on MOL saying anything remotely like that? How about "The Left" in general? Not one or two outliers, but Members of Congress, elected officials or political "pundits". 

Now you are either s**ting me or just recently arrived from mars.

Is that your answer to me? Really?

I'm sorry I didn't take my own advice to tjohn.

Someone on Twitter said it best: You can be outraged by the death of an innocent man and the deaths of men protecting peaceful protesters. It's NOT one or the other. #Dallas

hoops said:

I can't answer this post without being banned.  

"By saying any questionable thing that happens we will give you no
benefit of any doubt and put any pressure possible to put you in the


The police killed close to 1200 people in 2015.  How many of the killings gave rise to controversy or protest movements? 


The population of the US is 318 million.


If you're responding to me, you missed my point entirely.  I was not suggesting there is an epidemic of police killings.  I was countering  Bramz's suggestion that the police get pounced on everytime they shoot someone.  In fact, only a tiny fraction of police killings are controversial.  

There is a gun death epidemic in our country. 

Agree with you there. 

bramzzoinks said:

It is the left that has made the job of being a police officer one that only the unstable would want.

Or, it's a rare unintelligent poster who obsesses over left and right political issues whenever anything happens in the US.   Please put your tinfoil helmet back on and crawl back into your closet for a couple more days.  

breal said:

There is a gun death epidemic in our country. 

There has been for ages    

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