Maplewood Spring Rakeout 2023

Note: Leaves can't be loose in the street now. All debris must be in bins or bagged, and branches tied up. 

@ridski - Thanks for the reminder. I think that is standard for Spring Rakeout that the garden debris needs to be in a container. I assume in the Fall we'll be able to put out leaf piles on the street again.

sprout said:

@ridski - Thanks for the reminder. I think that is standard for Spring Rakeout that the garden debris needs to be in a container. I assume in the Fall we'll be able to put out leaf piles on the street again.

Rules may be different for Valley Street since it is a County road.

joan_crystal said:

Rules may be different for Valley Street since it is a County road.

The rules are different, but Maplewood DPW still comes with the ice cream scoop and collects it all. I've never seen a county truck come for our leaves nor have I seen any correspondence from the county about leaf collection. 

Hilariously, they're still using the ice cream scoop. They're just dumping out your branch containers into the scoop and then the scoop dumps that into the truck. 

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