Maplewood Chili Contest

We attended for the first time today and were overwhelmed by the wide variety of chilis. Each one was delicious in its own way.

We had to leave before the winner was announced as did our friends. 

Does anyone know who won? We especially liked the vegetarian chili with Indian spices.

Winners per this afternoon's email:

Meat category:
1st: Chili Nelson, #23 (James McDuffee & Jen Grady)
2nd: Dr. Wilkerson's 'Ole Smokey, #25 (Hakim Wilkerson)
3rd: Chili GPT, #13 (Perry Morton)
4th Big Trouble in Little Chili, #14 (Moss Freedman)
5th Merc Chili Queens, #4 (Mark Burdett, Maplewood Mercantile)
Chef's Choice: Big Trouble in Little Chili, #14 (Moss Freedman)

Veggie category:
1st: Kama Chili, Chili H, (Kimaya Salaskar)
2nd: Transcendental Vegetation, Chili G (Rob Liano)
3rd: Chili Ray Cyrus, Chili C (Brandon Schmidt)

Kids Category winner:
1st Place: Levi (Lexi Muraca and Violet Hanson)

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