Maplewood bear killed in Pennsylvania archived

From the December 2007 Pennsylvania Game News, Wildlife Conservation Officer Ricky Deiterich of
Northumberland County posted this Field Note: "I recently processed a bear killed on a local highway that had New Jersey ear tags. As it turns out, this particular bear was originally trapped and relocated in the Maplewood area of Essex County NJ, which is about 150 miles from where it was killed."
Our bear traveled far and swam across the Delaware River. RIP:sad:

That is really funny! I can't wait to see the Phil cartoon on this one!

I don't think it's funny, but it's not surprising, either. I guess "our bear" was too curious and not trepidatious enough in civilization and had a habit of endangering people and himself.

Good Lord! He swam the Delaware!?

Was he killed by a car? That sounds like a bad situation. Or was he shot? (Was it a "he"?)

I am kinda sad to hear this. He was a young bear who ended up in Maplewood looking for a territory to call his own. He was pushed out of whereever he was born by older and larger male bears. Apparently after being relocated he had to take off again, this time to Pennsylvania in search of a home turf.

sounds like he was hit by a car. poor guy.

Let me explain my previous post. The image of the bear swimming the Delaware to get to Maplewood to get his nails done (or a least that is how I see it in my mind) is sort of funny. I do feel bad that the bear is dead. I also agree that we keep moving into areas that were once bear areas and they are getting pushed out which is also sad.

Don't sweat it, bookbabe66. It's possible to be sad and amused at the same time, for me, anyway.

Thanks Tom!
I did not want people to think I was a bear hater because I am a fan of the bear.
I have a sort of sick mind and I thought the idea of a bear swimming the Delaware to get to Maplewood was really funny.


Your exact scenario is something that would have been hilarious if he had been caught alive. However, having said that our travelin' buddy may yet live on in the cyber world. :bigsmile:

Doesn't it seem like hitting a bear with your car would be a complete disaster? Bears are big.

That's why I asked if he was maybe shot, altho 'killed on the highway' does pretty much imply 'killed by a car'.

Are we sure that he swam across the river? Maybe he used one of the bridges?? (Most Maplewoodians would probably opt for that route. :winkoh oh

Okay, now I'm picturing the bear driving across the bridge joining Lambertville and New Hope, with his carefully manicured paws on the steering wheel of a big white Escalade...

Bears are good swimmers.

Posted By: PeggyCOkay, now I'm picturing the bear driving across the bridge joining Lambertville and New Hope, with his carefully manicured paws on the steering wheel of a big white Escalade...

Guzzling a double latte mucho grande from Starbucks while jabbering on a cellphone with three cubs in soccerball uniforms sitting in the rear.

Bookbabe is a Bear Hater!!!!


Yes, the soccer uniforms are essential. :wink:

But maybe one of them is also a Cub Scout?

Fine Tigerlilly start the rumor! :cry:
No gift for you!!

Posted By: PeggyCYes, the soccer uniforms are essential.

But maybe one of them is also a Cub Scout?

indubitably :wink:


I thought there was a width limitation on that bridge. It will have to be a Porsche cayenne.

Posted By: bookbabe66Fine Tigerlilly start the rumor! No gift for you!!

Look gnome thats what happens when you anger the bookbabe!

Hey gnome!
At least I did not throw a book at you!

Bookbabe, thanks for clarifying your first post. I was thinking you were a bear hater too!!!!

Poor baby. All that work to travel so far, even swim the Delaware, and then to be killed by a car (or possibly an 18-wheeler, which could easily destroy him and keep right on going). So sad. So many of our wild friends are adapting to find ways to live among us (see joy's "After Thanksgiving visitor"), but there just isn't room or tolerance for the bigger ones.

I actually am very sad about the bear too. If this is the same guy that was hanging out near golf island last year, we even gave him a name..."Mapley the Bear." Poor little Mapley.....


Posted By: TigerLillyBookbabe is a Bear Hater!!!!

There's more to it than that. The bear was a BLACK bear! bookbabe66 is no friend to black bears.

So TomR, what are you saying about bb66?:tooth:

Posted By: Tom ReingoldThere's more to it than that. The bear was a BLACK bear! bookbabe66 is no friend to black bears.

Best line of the day!
How did you know Tom???
What gave it away my bear skin rug??

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