Looking for Quilters in Maplewood Area archived

My wife and I are recent newcomers to Maplewood. My wife has been quilting for over twenty years and has been in quilting groups in Pennsylvania and South Africa. She has contacted the major quilting groups in Northern New Jersey , but they mostly meet at night. She is interested in finding other quilters in the Maplewood area who would like to meet and quilt during the daytime. Thank you.

I know this is different than what you asked & I'm sure others will have more relevant information, but:
There are several knitting groups (Mothers & More, through the new knitting store on Springfield Ave., perhaps Newcomer's Club, to name a few)...generally, all needle workers are welcome.

I will say that I was recently at a quilting shop in the city that is sister shop to the knitting store Purl on Sullivan St. - it's just up the block...looked lovely.


Thank you for your comments and suggestions. I know that my wife contacted the knitters' group, which was very welcoming, but their interests were different for the most part. So far, she has been frustrated in her attempts to just find a group of like minded people, who are interested in meeting during the day to simply quilt and exchange ideas. In other places we have lived, she has been actively involved in groups who meet once a week to just quilt and learn from each other.

All the groups she has come across so far are either so far away or meet only in the evening.

bummer - the daytime thing might be tough. Perhaps she can start the group & others will join... Best of luck...I'm hoping MOL's Crazy_Quilter will respond!
You might "whisper" her to see if she has ideas


Thank you, you have been very considerate.

Phil, I belonged to such a group when I lived in South Orange. I will email a couple of the members and let them know that your wife is looking.


Thank you,



Thank you as well.


PhilC, welcome to you and your wife; I hope you enjoy living in Maplewood. It just so happens that the Durand-Hedden House (see the thread under the "Local History" topic) is featuring a quilting exhibit on Sunday, March 11th. A fifth generation quilter and Maplewood resident will be coordinating the exhibit, and I have a feeling that she would be able to provide your wife with information on any local activities. Hope this helps!


Thank you


Yes, please drop by Durand-Hedden on Sunday any time from 1 to 4 p.m. Besides Sarah Izzo and (we hope) Theresa Barkley, an award winning art quilter from Maplewood, the event will be sure to draw other quilters. The quilts are wonderful examples of the extraordinary range of patterns and styles invented over time. Hope to meet you and help to make a "quilting connection." Susan Newberry, President, Durand-Hedden House and Garden


Thank you. We look forward to meeting you as well.


There is a small shop in Cranford, NJ.. not far from here, that has a quilting group and lessons.
I will see if anyone there is a SO or MW resident.
The shop is on Alder Street.


Thank you


Hi Phil, Both my sources have told me that they don't know of any quilting groups currently meeting locally in the daytime. But one suggested checking out Garden State Quilters, www.gardenstatequilters.com, who keep track of such things and might be able to refer you to someone.


Thank you very much. I know that my wife has been in contact with Garden State Quilters, the NJ Quilt Guild, and Brownstone Quilters without much luck. Brownstone has a daytime meeting up north, but it is just that -- a meeting -- not a quilting bee, which is what my wife is looking for. The only prospective daytime bees are ones that meet too far away for a comfortable drive. You have been very nice, too bad you and your former bee members aren't quilting during the day anymore.


PhilC, maybe your wife would consider starting a daytime group herself? The event on Sunday would be the perfect place to do a little networking and determine if there's some interest locally. Even if she is not keen on organizing events herself, it's possible she'll meet someone that is not only an avid quilter but a good meeting organizer, too. Just a thought....


By the way, thank you

PhilC, you're very welcome. I hope your wife enjoys the Durand-Hedden event on Sunday!


Thank you again for your help.



Thank you very much. That is very nice of you.


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