Looking for good but inexpensive vet for our 4 cats

A few months ago we adopted 2 foster cats and are now up to 4 cats.  We had been with Valley vet but would like to change as I wasn't thrilled with how he handled the scared fosters.  Plus, now that Dr. Johnson is gone, there have been times he's been away or needed to leave early.  Who else in the area is "inexpensive" and good.  My "posse" thanks you.

we use South Orange Animal Hospital for our dogs and cat  they aren't cheap but they're not outrageous either.  Most importantly I trust both vets with my pets.

Cristabel said:

we use South Orange Animal Hospital for our dogs and cat  they aren't cheap but they're not outrageous either.  Most importantly I trust both vets with my pets.

What she said^^. Dr Levine is the absolute best!

Another pet owner very satisfied with Dr. Levine and Dr. Knight at S.O. Animal Hospital.

People for Animals are inexpensive, but I have no idea if they are good.

Dr. Johnson will be working in 2 locations, one is in West Orange. Just spoke to her and she should be working in West Orange the last week in January. She's getting her schedule and will let me know.

Another +1 for Dr. Levine.  I don't know that he's inexpensive, but he is pleasant, compassionate, and reasonable in that he won't do tests and procedures that are unnecessary, especially on older animals.

I use West Orange Animal hospital -- like Drs. Boen, Perez and Bruno very much, all have great "bedside" manner. Prices are competitive; not outrageous and not cheap.  That being said, they were very kind during my former dog's many health issues and reduced rates for me when they could.  Also, they are undergoing a total expansion and will be medically state-of-the-art when they are through.

have you listened looked at some of the pet insurance options to help you manage the cost...as a first time pet owner I am always surprised at how high the cost of care is!

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