Knitting issue: Felting in front loader? archived

My felting experience is not vast & I have only ever done it in a top loading washer...any tips for a front loader? The instructions in my pattern are certainly meant for a top loader.
The yarn is Manos Del Uraguay, if that matters. (felted yoga mat bag from "Last Minute Knitted Gifts")
Have also misplaced by zippered bag:-( must I go buy another?

las? CLK (if I recall)? anyone?


I haven't done it (intentionally - there is a story here) but I'm told it can be done.

You do need the zippered bag or a pillowcase knotted up though, or the loose fibers will ruin your washing machine. And you need to put in a few pairs of jeans or something else for friction. The big problem is opening the door to see if it's done yet - on my front loader it should be OK as it uses very little water, but some have to drain first before opening.

I am reasonably sure it will work. I put a crocheted poncho of little C's in my new front-loader with some other stuff on the "delicate" cycle - not the "wool" cycle as I thought it was made of superwash wool. Ooops! I remembered wrong - not superwash - it fulled a little, which thankfully didn't ruin it.

If little C's poncho will full on the delicates cycle, I'm pretty sure your yoga mat bag will felt on the regular cycle.

Good luck!

(btw 2 hours ago when you first posted this I was at my knitting group. More shameless promotion - Here's To The Arts, Tuesdays 6-8. We need more people! ;-)


Oh - good to know about the group & the info!

It hasn't really become official yet (I don't think), but Sat. AM Pen & jen knitters are meeting sometimes at Cafe Meow!


When do they meet at Cafe Meow? I've heard that CM wanted them, but never heard what exactly happened. We even thought of moving to CM on Saturdays to get more people but Art (owner) & Matt (bartender) have been so good to us that we feel kind of loyal to them.

PS check out - really nice online community for knitters.

I have a front loading washing machine at home in Ireland. I have never used a top loading machine for felting! It is a good idea to use a pillowcase or zipper bag to stop the fibres from going everywhere. I've found that front loaders felt pretty well but you do need to add something for agitation, like a pair of old runners or some tennis balls. I used to throw in a pair of jeans, but after a favourite pair of mine shrunk, I've stopped doing that oh oh If you put it on a fairly long cycle, it should felt well. I have found that putting it in the dryer afterwards helps to really firm it up, if that's what you're looking for.
Hope this helps!

Felting sad! Just kidding. I love that yarn. And like others have said, I do believe felting in a front loader will work just fine.

Felting is always an experiment! Let us know how it goes!

Forgive my ignorance (and make it disappear!) What is felting in knitting?

think boiled wool.

thanks all for your info! I'll give it a go & be ready to go to a laundry place of needed!

CLK, I have knitted a few times on Sat AM at Meow (9:30/10ish?) - will check out the site you posted!

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