Jefferson Girl Scouts collecting travel size toiletries - Please Help!

If you have extra travel-size toiletries that you can spare, Jefferson Junior Girl Scouts are collecting them to make toiletry bags for local homeless individuals. They will assemble the kits on Friday, 11/20 (and CBS News is sending a crew to cover the story!).  Here's what they're collecting:

Most needed:***

Conditioner (the ones you get at hotels are PERFECT!)
Shaving Cream

Also collecting (we've just collected a good amount so far):

Dental Floss
Gallon-size Ziploc bags

If you have any of these items, please let me know so we can pick them up and put them to good use (or you can drop in the bin on the porch at 29 Cottage St in SO). Thanks!

Tara, I have some. Can I leave them on my front porch for later on Tuesday? I will message you my address. - Anne

Annesimms, that would be great - thanks!!


I have a bunch of items to donate. I will PM you.

Did you get my email? If not, please PM me.

Sac, I just sent you a pm. Thanks!

I have some as well. Will leave on my front porch and PM you my address.

Hey--is it too late? I'm going to PM you!

Not too late at all. The girls will be assembling items at their November meeting, so we have time. Thanks!

tara, I have a Dove Men+Care body and face wash sample, a cherry Chap Stick, and a sample of Zicam cold remedy tablets. Let me know if you could use those.

Thanks, Jasper. I'm sure they can use the body wash sample and chapstick. I'm not sure about the cold remedy, but I have a bag of miscellaneous donations that I plan to offer with the toiletry kits, and I'm happy to include that, if you can't use it. Thanks!

Can they be hotel size bottles or just regular travel size? In my office I remember they had a collection and people brought the hotel ones from all their business travels.. Just an idea

@tararagone, I sent you a message.

The big bag I gave them was all hotel bottles.

Hi, Doxie-Frenchie. They actually prefer travel/hotel size because they're easier for homeless individuals to port around with them. Thank you all so much for your enthusiastic response!!

Thanks so much to everyone who has donated. The girls will be assembling the toiletry kits at their meeting on 11/20. If anyone has any extra conditioners or lotions left from hotel stays, we'd love to add them to the collection. You can drop them in the bin on the porch at 29 Cottage Street in South Orange, or send me a message, and I'll pick them up. Thanks!!  And here's a photo of some of the girls canvassing for donations!  They are so touched by our towns' generosity!

Hi.  I put a bag of my hotel loot into the bin on your porch today.  Thanks to the girl scout troop for what they are doing.  

Leealli, I just found it.  THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!

My pleasure!    Good luck!

I have a ton. I am coming that way tomorrow and will drop on your porch!

Left a bag on your porch in the bin an hour ago. Just FYI

Conandrob240, I'm processing it all now - THANK YOU!

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