Is this the dawning of the Age of Aquarius?

Five planets in alignment.

... but is the moon in the seventh house?

Jupiter aligns with Mars?

Will peace guide the planets and love steer the stars?

ffof said:

Jupiter aligns with Mars?

Yes, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Venus and Mercury are in alignment.   Unsure about the moon being in the 7th house.... but it would be nice if peace would guide the planet and love would steer the stars..... some liberated minds would be good too.

Harmony and understanding,

Sympathy and trust abounding.

Don't know about all the aligning planets, but Aquarius started 2 days ago (Jan. 20).  grin 

I'd just be happy if peace guided this planet, the others can be on their own.

No more falsehoods or derisions,

Mystic, crystal revelations

and the mind's true liberation


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