Is it time for this year's hydrangea thread!

Our hydrangeas were starting to form leaves, but it looks like those few late frosty nights turned the leaves into seaweed. I think some new leaves are still coming in, but are we doomed to a bloomless year?

My oak leaf hydrangeas were leggy and out of control so I lopped them way back two weeks ago and am hoping for the best. The new leaves look ok. The panniculars otoh look lifeless.   

My oak leaf hydrangeas were leggy and out of control so I lopped them way back two weeks ago and am hoping for the best. The new leaves look ok. The paniculata otoh looks lifeless.   

Wondering the same, @jasper.  My hydrangeas are kind of a sorry sight right now. 

Most of the emerging leaves on my hydrangea are more brown than green.  I am hoping my ancient plant which came with the house 35 years ago has survived the freeze.  If so, there is always next year but I have little hope for this season.

So, we were away for a week. Before we left I had emerging green leaves all the way up the old wood. Now they are brown and shriveled. There are still some green leaves at the base. Question: was there a frost in the last week? I am assuming so.

annesimms, that describes my hydrangeas exactly, and I do think we had one or two freezing nights. I'm not terribly hopeful for blooms this year, but I hope the plants survive to next season. Very disappointing.

It's actually quite dry (there's even a fire risk alert).  I'd consider a deep watering.

Thanks for the advice.  I will give that a try.

Hmm, good point. Those leaves are downright shriveled to a crisp. Will try watering, but all of our other plantings seem to be doing okay. I guess they don't call it "hydra"ngea for nothing.

The hydrangeas I used to have (at my previous home) were always more sensitive to dryness and heat than other plantings.  I don't have any now, so can't compare.

I've been watering, will mulch too. There are some green leaves at the very bottom. Now I am just crossing my fingers and hoping nature takes its course.

The Secret Garden @ 377's amazing collection of many types is with all the rest of you. I won't predict how the bloom season will go but there is lots of cabbage looking growth right now!  That freeze period also took out all our Japanese Magnolia blossoms! Whether pink, white or yellow!

FYI, we are open to the public via The Garden Conservancy on May 7 and 21 10am to 4pm.  Either $7 or a GC Ticket.  Otherwise pm me and we can work out a visit.  Hopefully our azaleas will be booming!

Best Regards,

Ron Carter

Wondering how other hydrangeas are doing....ours do not look well at all. The cold snap mentioned above left the new leaves brown and frizzled. Not much new growth since then. Some, but I doubt there will be any flowers this year. Are you all cutting the cold-damaged canes down or leaving them for now?

Mine also have long dead old stems, but new growth with tiny leaves are shooting up too. They have been planted for at least 5 years and have come back every year.

I have only one, about 5 years old.  The canes look dead, although Mr. Lizziecat says that they are green.  There are a lot of green leaves at the base, but no flower buds.

Typically mine don't bloom until June.

Mine bloom on second year wood.  I cut back the old canes to encourage new growth. There are some new leaves showing.  Time will tell if the plant regenerates.

Don't do any cutting yet,  too soon!

Let Mother Nature have a while!


Strange.  My oakleaf and tree-form paniculata are both doing just fine this year.  If anything, they leafed out earlier than usual. 

This weekend, I did notice that my mothers standard hydrangeas in Maryland were quite a bit behind mine in leafing. Also strange as she's in a slightly warmer climate.

Maybe it's just the mild winter.

Most of my plants are not doing well: leaves that haven't opened or just opened partly. Full leaves at bottom, but no where else. I have a few different varieties and most, but not all all are looking pretty bad.

My Limelights look fine, but my Blue Nikkos got zapped by the freeze a few weeks ago.

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