I have had it with the theft that goes on in our schools

Just got a call from my son who informed me that his Gym lock was stolen along with his lunch money and his somewhat crappy headphones during Gym period today.

On top of his somewhat crappy start to HS this is just icing on the cake. This seems to be a real issue in our schools (as evidenced by the iPhone fiasco a couple of years ago). Granted the amounts were not significant $10 in lunch money and $20 headphones but I never had these problems even when we lived in Queens. Its just so frustrating.

My question is how are kids allowed to go "shopping" during gym periods? And what kind of kids are attending CHS where this is acceptable behavior?

Some one needs to MOVE the gym lockers to an area that can be under observation in the meantime.

I would like schools where students can be expelled for theft.

I don't know what the situation is at CHS and in Maplewood, but I know at other high schools you need to make a push to get the police involved. Don't just report the theft to the school, contact the police.

What do you expect? When I was at Columbia, there was an increase of kids from Newark and Irvington lying about their addresses just so they could attend. This was over 10 years ago and I can't imagine it has gotten any better.

My son has had many items stolen over the years, from clothing to electronics. It's a sad state of affairs.

tjohn said:

I would like schools where students can be expelled for theft.

I'd go for an automatic and long suspension. I'm guessing if the little miscreants are expelled, we probably still have to pay to educate them at some inflated cost somewhere else, no?

ctrzaska said:

tjohn said:

I would like schools where students can be expelled for theft.

I'd go for an automatic and long suspension. I'm guessing if the little miscreants are expelled, we probably still have to pay to educate them at some inflated cost somewhere else, no?

I suppose, but with outsourcing being all the rage, I think attending agriculture school in Outer Mongolia would be a good option.

I have to agree that the issues with the gym lockers are beyond ridiculous.

What about something like this:


Or would it just get the kid using the locker in trouble when the alarm goes off? (That's how schools work, in my experience.)

CAtoNJ said:

What do you expect? When I was at Columbia, there was an increase of kids from Newark and Irvington lying about their addresses just so they could attend. This was over 10 years ago and I can't imagine it has gotten any better.

Because it would never be your little miscreant, right?

kmk said:

Some one needs to MOVE the gym lockers to an area that can be under observation in the meantime.


Thank goodness none of our kids are thieves. Only those from Newark and Irvington, right? At least that's what CAtoNJ said.

FilmCarp said:

Thank goodness none of our kids are thieves. Only those from Newark and Irvington, right? At least that's what CAtoNJ said.

The troll is just trying to get attention by throwing a few bombs in various threads. Ignore it and it will go away. Sad, really.

EBennett said:

I don't know what the situation is at CHS and in Maplewood, but I know at other high schools you need to make a push to get the police involved. Don't just report the theft to the school, contact the police.
A lot of things I didn't like about Giuliani.

But one thing he did was move the NYC safety division under the supervision of the NYC Police Department. The school safety guards are hired and trained by the police and report to them, not the school administration. Consequently, crimes are automatically reported to the police.

This was done because so many feckless educators were hiding crime, trying to make themselves and their schools look better.

If I'm remembering correctly, at one school (somewhere else in NJ) they found it was the gym teacher robbing the gym lockers.

sportsnut, sorry to hear that. I could swear my son told me that another friend of his also had his lunch money stolen from his gym locker (unless I'm getting confused and it was your son he was talking about), so there is definitely something amiss, as the perpetrator(s) appear(s) to be going from locker to locker and just cleaning up.

I'd definitely be on the phone to the principal and the police about this. It shouldn't be tolerated at all.

Well, can't find the NJ one in a quick search, but a CA gym teacher doing the theft:

And somewhere else:

And yet another one.

Not saying it's what's happening, but sometimes it's not who you suspect.

How do they break in to a locked padlock? I thought it was hard to do that.

With a belt or shims or a million other thing they can use. Its easy just watch the youtube videos.

tjohn said:

ctrzaska said:

tjohn said:

I would like schools where students can be expelled for theft.

I'd go for an automatic and long suspension. I'm guessing if the little miscreants are expelled, we probably still have to pay to educate them at some inflated cost somewhere else, no?

I suppose, but with outsourcing being all the rage, I think attending agriculture school in Outer Mongolia would be a good option.

When my older son was at MMS, there was an epidemic of iphones and ipods being stolen. The perp was very much from SO/MWD, and was not expelled, despite the wealth of merchandise, and later went on to private school. There should be surveillance cameras, at the very least. Costco has surveillance cameras that record in 6 or 8 packs. Fundraiser, anyone? Btw, sorry about your frustration sportsnut.

No cameras allowed in the "dressing" areas.

Totally didn't think of that!!!!

kmk said:

No cameras allowed in the "dressing" areas.


there are cameras in the halls. my recollection is that a kid was busted last year or the year before at CHS for some infraction caught on camera (theft from a locker, or vandalism). so there isn't an acceptance of criminal behavior at CHS. it's just hard to catch someone stealing from a dressing room. you could put security guards there while kids are in gym class, but not sure it's the best use of resources.

maybe they need cameras over the doors leading in and out of the locker room. would be easy to catch a thief based on the time stamp on the video.

The padlock with the alarm is the best suggestion in this thread so far.

It will be nice when smart phone manufacturers start to add in the kill switch. Of course, they don't wnt to as it will reduce sales.

I don't have kids, Max Weisenfeld. I also don't appreciate your insinuations.

CAtoNJ said:

I don't have kids, Max Weisenfeld. I also don't appreciate your insinuations.

Nobody really appreciated your contribution to this thread. I, for one, find deeply offensive the suggestion that we have to go out of district to find petty thieves and thugs.

Other than that, the illegal students issue has been beaten to death and then some and the consensus among rational folk is that it isn't a major problem.

Tom_Reingold said:

The padlock with the alarm is the best suggestion in this thread so far.

How about not putting theft worthy stuff in a gym locker? Don't they have lockers in the hallways where there would be camera coverage and lots of eyes around?

My son is at MMS and had his gym locker broken in to last week. All that was in there was a pair of stink gym clothes but they took the shorts! Last year it was broken in to and all they took was his deodorant (blech.) He said there was a whole group on his row that got hit.
He has lost nothing valuable but I'm kind of pissed I need to keep buying locks.

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