how do you talk to a Trump voter ...

how do you talk to a Trump voter ...

if they believe ISIS is our biggest threat ?

if they believe immigrants are a grave threat, stealing their jobs?

if they believe immigrants are a grave threat, raping and killing us?

if they believe a wall will be built?

if they believe that it will make us safe?

if they believe that Mexico will pay for it?

if they believe that no one wants to work anymore, and those people are just living off of government benefits?

if they believe they're not racist?

if they believe that we have the highest crime rate in 47 years?

if they believe Trump is a great businessman?

if they believe that Trump won by a landslide?

if they believe that Trump's inaugural crowds were the biggest ever?

who like Trump because he says what he means and means what he says?

who then tell you to ignore what he says because he's "not a politician"?

if they believe that millions of illegal votes were cast - and all for Hillary?

if they believe that Hillary should be locked up?

who don't even know what "private email server" even means? (covers a lot of non-Trumpists to)

who think Benghazi was a thing?

who think Obama/Hillary gave a stand down order re Benghazi, literally ordering our people to not be helped?

who think the press is the enemy?

if they believe in the Bowling Green Massacre?

if they believe Obamacare is from the Devil, but the ACA is A-OK!!

if they believe that Trump and the R's, of all people, will give them a better plan with lower costs and better coverage?

if they believe corporations suck who manufacture overseas, but aren't bothered that Trump's merchandise is all manufactured overseas?

who went crazy at the cost of Obama's travel, but don't believe that Trump has spent as much in his first month as Obama did in a year?

who went crazy at Obama doing X, but don't care that Trump does X squared?
(there's a bunch of stuff for that one)

who still think Obama is a Muslim?

who think Obama was a Socialist?

who can't define Socialism?

who still think Obama wasn't born in the U.S.?

who think giving speeches to Goldman Sachs is evil, but don't care that Trump has hired 9 GS execs so far?

and who think that Photo A shows more people than Photo B?

And coming one day

if they believe 2+2 = 5.

I had to stop adding to the list, it was getting too long.

Easy answer. I don't. Unfortunately, most of the people I know who voted for Trump don't believe everything on your list and they're family so I have to socialize with them - they don't bring up politics with me.

yeah, I meant to say that I don't think every Trump voter believes all of this, but if they believe any handful of them, it's pretty problematic in terms of finding common ground.

And I don't talk to them either, mostly because I don't know any. But people on MOL keep on telling me that us libs need to learn to talk to these folks so that they'll vote with us next time.

And I keep on telling them, not gonna work, because of the reasons in my opening post.

soorlady said:

Easy answer. I don't. Unfortunately, most of the people I know who voted for Trump don't believe everything on your list and they're family so I have to socialize with them - they don't bring up politics with me.

I live among them and avoid them. I just don't talk politics most of the time if I have to interact with them. Yes it's very lonely.

Well, Drummerboy, I guess you need to learn how to talk to Trump voters at some point because widespread acceptance of alternative facts is not good for democracy.

What you have to do is find the Trump voters who don't believe any of that and ask them why they voted for Trump.

If they say that they voted for him "to shake things up in Washington" tell them to keep watching.

If they tell you that all that matters to them is opposition to abortion thank them for their honesty and end the conversation.

If they tell you that all that matters to them is taxes and the Republicans are better than the Democrats on that issue , tell them to do a little more research and to watch Trump's spending.

If they agree with one or two of the less crazy items on your list then attempt to explain why they are wrong.

All of the above is contingent upon them talking to you at all. If they are willing to discuss it with you then perhaps you have won half the battle.

fairplay said:

I live among them and avoid them. I just don't talk politics most of the time if I have to interact with them. Yes it's very lonely.

We have nice housing here in Maplewood-South Orange

LOST said:

fairplay said:

I live among them and avoid them. I just don't talk politics most of the time if I have to interact with them. Yes it's very lonely.

We have nice housing here in Maplewood-South Orange

That is true, but according to an article in the Village Green and subsequent Facebook postings there are a number of people here who voted for Trump, but have either experienced outright shunning or been afraid to own up to it. Apparently, diversity in our town does not extend to Trump supporters. The view is that they may not be racist, misogynistic, bigoted, pussy grabbing a$$holes intent on destroying the environment and life as we knew it, but they support those that are. Hard to get past that in polite conversation.

soorlady said:

LOST said:

fairplay said:

I live among them and avoid them. I just don't talk politics most of the time if I have to interact with them. Yes it's very lonely.

We have nice housing here in Maplewood-South Orange

That is true, but according to an article in the Village Green and subsequent Facebook postings there are a number of people here who voted for Trump, but have either experienced outright shunning or been afraid to own up to it. Apparently, diversity in our town does not extend to Trump supporters. The view is that they may not be racist, misogynistic, bigoted, pussy grabbing a$$holes intent on destroying the environment and life as we knew it, but they support those that are. Hard to get past that in polite conversation.

Caitlyn Jenner seems to be the most high profile Trump voter who, too late, realized her error. What she thought would happen once Trump was elected I cannot fathom.

I must say, I do love the acceptance of the Left, casting aspersions on anyone even remotely associated with Trump as troglodytes. You may believe yourselves to be "right", in both the moral and literal senses, but you're just another left wing elitist who thinks they know what's best for the rest of us. Guess what, you don't. As someone who sees some (not all, and i do not agree with everything) value in what he's doing, the constant bemoaning is getting quite tiresome. Casting everyone on the Right as a racist or mysoginist or obstructionist who wants to repeal women's and LGBT rights and send us back to the stone age is judging us as all the same. How amazed Dr. King would be at the crap show that America is today.

what do you see as the value in what he's doing?

prisoners_dilemma said:

I must say, I do love the acceptance of the Left, casting aspersions on anyone even remotely associated with Trump as troglodytes. You may believe yourselves to be "right", in both the moral and literal senses, but you're just another left wing elitist who thinks they know what's best for the rest of us. Guess what, you don't. As someone who sees some (not all, and i do not agree with everything) value in what he's doing, the constant bemoaning is getting quite tiresome. Casting everyone on the Right as a racist or mysoginist or obstructionist who wants to repeal women's and LGBT rights and send us back to the stone age is judging us as all the same. How amazed Dr. King would be at the crap show that America is today.

ml1 said:

what do you see as the value in what he's doing?
prisoners_dilemma said:

I must say, I do love the acceptance of the Left, casting aspersions on anyone even remotely associated with Trump as troglodytes. You may believe yourselves to be "right", in both the moral and literal senses, but you're just another left wing elitist who thinks they know what's best for the rest of us. Guess what, you don't. As someone who sees some (not all, and i do not agree with everything) value in what he's doing, the constant bemoaning is getting quite tiresome. Casting everyone on the Right as a racist or mysoginist or obstructionist who wants to repeal women's and LGBT rights and send us back to the stone age is judging us as all the same. How amazed Dr. King would be at the crap show that America is today.

He's putting some good people in the right positions (Tillerson, Ross, Mattis, Kelly). Some of his picks seem to run counter to the "drain the swamp" mantra, but I guess when you have a limited pool to pick from, you get what you get. Tillerson and Ross are deal makers, they know how to negotiate. Anyone who thinks John Kerry could hold a candle to Rex Tillerson at a negotiating table is smoking crack. Mattis is a genius who has seen the horror of war up close and personal. Kelly I'm not too familiar with. I am troubled by his decisions regarding his personal affairs, his off the cuff remarks. Not a fan of Sessions, but I understand the mindset.

That's a pretty short list of things of value. And not one of them are policies. Do you value any of Trump's executive orders thus far? The remaining cabinet appointments? The pronouncements on making the military even bigger and on going through with building a border wall?

prisoners_dilemma said:

ml1 said:

what do you see as the value in what he's doing?
prisoners_dilemma said:

I must say, I do love the acceptance of the Left, casting aspersions on anyone even remotely associated with Trump as troglodytes. You may believe yourselves to be "right", in both the moral and literal senses, but you're just another left wing elitist who thinks they know what's best for the rest of us. Guess what, you don't. As someone who sees some (not all, and i do not agree with everything) value in what he's doing, the constant bemoaning is getting quite tiresome. Casting everyone on the Right as a racist or mysoginist or obstructionist who wants to repeal women's and LGBT rights and send us back to the stone age is judging us as all the same. How amazed Dr. King would be at the crap show that America is today.

He's putting some good people in the right positions (Tillerson, Ross, Mattis, Kelly). Some of his picks seem to run counter to the "drain the swamp" mantra, but I guess when you have a limited pool to pick from, you get what you get. Tillerson and Ross are deal makers, they know how to negotiate. Anyone who thinks John Kerry could hold a candle to Rex Tillerson at a negotiating table is smoking crack. Mattis is a genius who has seen the horror of war up close and personal. Kelly I'm not too familiar with. I am troubled by his decisions regarding his personal affairs, his off the cuff remarks. Not a fan of Sessions, but I understand the mindset.

Seems like quite a balancing act to support the good things Trump is doing (and thus far, he has done nothing good) while explaining away the bad. The only things Trump has done so far is upset allies and tear mothers from their children and restored some jobs in Indiana act Indiana taxpayer expense. Certainly you know that Obama - dubbed the deporter-in-chief by immigrant rights activists - was deporting the bad hombres, so it is a bit rich for Trump to claim credit for that.

prisoners_dilemma said:

I must say, I do love the acceptance of the Left, casting aspersions on anyone even remotely associated with Trump as troglodytes. You may believe yourselves to be "right", in both the moral and literal senses, but you're just another left wing elitist who thinks they know what's best for the rest of us. Guess what, you don't. As someone who sees some (not all, and i do not agree with everything) value in what he's doing, the constant bemoaning is getting quite tiresome. Casting everyone on the Right as a racist or mysoginist or obstructionist who wants to repeal women's and LGBT rights and send us back to the stone age is judging us as all the same. How amazed Dr. King would be at the crap show that America is today.

do you think it's healthy for people to believe all of the crap I listed?

eta: hell, how much of what I posted do you believe?

prisoners_dilemma said:

I must say, I do love the acceptance of the Left, casting aspersions on anyone even remotely associated with Trump as troglodytes. You may believe yourselves to be "right", in both the moral and literal senses, but you're just another left wing elitist who thinks they know what's best for the rest of us. Guess what, you don't. As someone who sees some (not all, and i do not agree with everything) value in what he's doing, the constant bemoaning is getting quite tiresome. Casting everyone on the Right as a racist or mysoginist or obstructionist who wants to repeal women's and LGBT rights and send us back to the stone age is judging us as all the same. How amazed Dr. King would be at the crap show that America is today.

tjohn said:

Seems like quite a balancing act to support the good things Trump is doing (and thus far, he has done nothing good) while explaining away the bad. The only things Trump has done so far is upset allies and tear mothers from their children and restored some jobs in Indiana act Indiana taxpayer expense. Certainly you know that Obama - dubbed the deporter-in-chief by immigrant rights activists - was deporting the bad hombres, so it is a bit rich for Trump to claim credit for that.
prisoners_dilemma said:

I must say, I do love the acceptance of the Left, casting aspersions on anyone even remotely associated with Trump as troglodytes. You may believe yourselves to be "right", in both the moral and literal senses, but you're just another left wing elitist who thinks they know what's best for the rest of us. Guess what, you don't. As someone who sees some (not all, and i do not agree with everything) value in what he's doing, the constant bemoaning is getting quite tiresome. Casting everyone on the Right as a racist or mysoginist or obstructionist who wants to repeal women's and LGBT rights and send us back to the stone age is judging us as all the same. How amazed Dr. King would be at the crap show that America is today.

1. I'm not balancing anything;

2. "He has done nothing good" is your opinion, recognize it as such and realize that others can have a dissenting view;

3. "Tear mothers from their children", that's really "rich". Typical left wing, over hyperbolized claptrap. Illegally emigrating to a country, you either knew or should have known that there would be consequences had you gotten caught.

I have several concerns that are imho very big deals that outweigh almost anything else. My first is that by appointing Pruitt to head the EPA, declaring that we are backing out of agreements on climate change, and making an executive order allowing poisonous coal runoff to be dumped into streams, Trump has sent a very clear signal that the environment will not be protected. That is an enormous decision that will affect people's lives and health (possibly mainly in places where his voters live), and could have an impact for a generation to come.

The other concern is how he continually employs apocalyptic language to describe the country as under siege from violent criminals, dangerous immigrants and the constant threat of terrorism. The truth is that we're safer in this country than we have been in decades. But he's setting the stage to jail more people, allow law enforcement to curtail more people's rights, preside over a massive military buildup, and make this country hostile to even legal immigration.

Those are huge issues.

prisoners_dilemma said:

2. "He has done nothing good" is your opinion, recognize it as such and realize that others can have a dissenting view;

aside from the four appointments you noted above, are there any other good things would you say Trump has done so far as president?

well, if you think it's good that mothers are taken away from their children , there's not much for us to talk about.

If you can't recognize the horror that produces, for no good end mind you, then yes, you are in fact a troglodyte.

Own it.

prisoners_dilemma said:

tjohn said:

Seems like quite a balancing act to support the good things Trump is doing (and thus far, he has done nothing good) while explaining away the bad. The only things Trump has done so far is upset allies and tear mothers from their children and restored some jobs in Indiana act Indiana taxpayer expense. Certainly you know that Obama - dubbed the deporter-in-chief by immigrant rights activists - was deporting the bad hombres, so it is a bit rich for Trump to claim credit for that.
prisoners_dilemma said:

I must say, I do love the acceptance of the Left, casting aspersions on anyone even remotely associated with Trump as troglodytes. You may believe yourselves to be "right", in both the moral and literal senses, but you're just another left wing elitist who thinks they know what's best for the rest of us. Guess what, you don't. As someone who sees some (not all, and i do not agree with everything) value in what he's doing, the constant bemoaning is getting quite tiresome. Casting everyone on the Right as a racist or mysoginist or obstructionist who wants to repeal women's and LGBT rights and send us back to the stone age is judging us as all the same. How amazed Dr. King would be at the crap show that America is today.

1. I'm not balancing anything;

2. "He has done nothing good" is your opinion, recognize it as such and realize that others can have a dissenting view;

3. "Tear mothers from their children", that's really "rich". Typical left wing, over hyperbolized claptrap. Illegally emigrating to a country, you either knew or should have known that there would be consequences had you gotten caught.

prisoners_dilemma said:

tjohn said:

Seems like quite a balancing act to support the good things Trump is doing (and thus far, he has done nothing good) while explaining away the bad. The only things Trump has done so far is upset allies and tear mothers from their children and restored some jobs in Indiana act Indiana taxpayer expense. Certainly you know that Obama - dubbed the deporter-in-chief by immigrant rights activists - was deporting the bad hombres, so it is a bit rich for Trump to claim credit for that.
prisoners_dilemma said:

I must say, I do love the acceptance of the Left, casting aspersions on anyone even remotely associated with Trump as troglodytes. You may believe yourselves to be "right", in both the moral and literal senses, but you're just another left wing elitist who thinks they know what's best for the rest of us. Guess what, you don't. As someone who sees some (not all, and i do not agree with everything) value in what he's doing, the constant bemoaning is getting quite tiresome. Casting everyone on the Right as a racist or mysoginist or obstructionist who wants to repeal women's and LGBT rights and send us back to the stone age is judging us as all the same. How amazed Dr. King would be at the crap show that America is today.

1. I'm not balancing anything;

2. "He has done nothing good" is your opinion, recognize it as such and realize that others can have a dissenting view;

3. "Tear mothers from their children", that's really "rich". Typical left wing, over hyperbolized claptrap. Illegally emigrating to a country, you either knew or should have known that there would be consequences had you gotten caught.

Well, if you are not balancing anything, then you must approve of 100% of what he has done so far.

drummerboy said:

do you think it's healthy for people to believe all of the crap I listed?

prisoners_dilemma said:

I must say, I do love the acceptance of the Left, casting aspersions on anyone even remotely associated with Trump as troglodytes. You may believe yourselves to be "right", in both the moral and literal senses, but you're just another left wing elitist who thinks they know what's best for the rest of us. Guess what, you don't. As someone who sees some (not all, and i do not agree with everything) value in what he's doing, the constant bemoaning is getting quite tiresome. Casting everyone on the Right as a racist or mysoginist or obstructionist who wants to repeal women's and LGBT rights and send us back to the stone age is judging us as all the same. How amazed Dr. King would be at the crap show that America is today.

No, and if you find someone who believes each and every thing on your list, please tell me, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell them. But seriously, just cherry picking here:

1. I woukd say ISIS should be at the top of international threats, not only for what they're doing, but what they could do and represent.

2. I do believe there are a substantial amount of people that don't want to work for a living and do expect handouts.

3. Visual evidence indicates Trump's crowds were not the biggest ever.

4. I do believe there was some amount of voter fraud.

5. I do believe Obama is a socialist (Frank Marshall Davis anyone??). Bernie wears it proudly, why couldn't Obama?

6. Goldman is evil, part of "the machine", no argument there. Not exactly pleased about those appointments.

7. And yes, I do believe Obama/Hillary ordered a stand down because it didn't fit the narrative/optics they already released to the public.

Not really. We have never held immigrants from Mexico to the letter of the law. Why start now? Do you seriously think we would be better off if 100% of illegal immigrants (both those who have overstayed their visas and those who entered illegally) were expelled. How would that make things better? On top of that, under the Obama Administration, the bad hombres were being expelled as they were under previous administrations. Jeez man, even Inspector Javert grew a heart at the end.

prisoners_dilemma said:

3. "Tear mothers from their children", that's really "rich". Typical left wing, over hyperbolized claptrap. Illegally emigrating to a country, you either knew or should have known that there would be consequences had you gotten caught.

prisoners_dilemma said:

I must say, I do love the acceptance of the Left, casting aspersions on anyone even remotely associated with Trump as troglodytes. You may believe yourselves to be "right", in both the moral and literal senses, but you're just another left wing elitist who thinks they know what's best for the rest of us. Guess what, you don't. As someone who sees some (not all, and i do not agree with everything) value in what he's doing, the constant bemoaning is getting quite tiresome. Casting everyone on the Right as a racist or mysoginist or obstructionist who wants to repeal women's and LGBT rights and send us back to the stone age is judging us as all the same. How amazed Dr. King would be at the crap show that America is today.

Voting and supporting a racist, his racist policies, his appointees who either are there to either tear apart the existing federal regulatory agencies or to empower the very wealthy, is proof enough that you need to own those aspersions.

They have already deported families - so it's not just the "bad hombres" being asked to leave. My 9 year old grandson is worried about his friend, Angel, and I can't promise that his worry is not justified. But perhaps prisoners would be better swayed in this area by the impact on his cash. Without migrant labor, tomatoes are currently rotting in the field. Americans who responded to a help wanted ad were few and most didn't last through the day. Look forward to increased costs of fruits and vegetables in the future.

tjohn said:

Not really. We have never held immigrants from Mexico to the letter of the law. Why start now? Do you seriously think we would be better off if 100% of illegal immigrants (both those who have overstayed their visas and those who entered illegally) were expelled. How would that make things better? On top of that, under the Obama Administration, the bad hombres were being expelled as they were under previous administrations. Jeez man, even Inspector Javert grew a heart at the end.
prisoners_dilemma said:

3. "Tear mothers from their children", that's really "rich". Typical left wing, over hyperbolized claptrap. Illegally emigrating to a country, you either knew or should have known that there would be consequences had you gotten caught.

you believe a few things that don't have supporting evidence.

prisoners_dilemma said:

drummerboy said:

do you think it's healthy for people to believe all of the crap I listed?

prisoners_dilemma said:

I must say, I do love the acceptance of the Left, casting aspersions on anyone even remotely associated with Trump as troglodytes. You may believe yourselves to be "right", in both the moral and literal senses, but you're just another left wing elitist who thinks they know what's best for the rest of us. Guess what, you don't. As someone who sees some (not all, and i do not agree with everything) value in what he's doing, the constant bemoaning is getting quite tiresome. Casting everyone on the Right as a racist or mysoginist or obstructionist who wants to repeal women's and LGBT rights and send us back to the stone age is judging us as all the same. How amazed Dr. King would be at the crap show that America is today.

No, and if you find someone who believes each and every thing on your list, please tell me, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell them. But seriously, just cherry picking here:

1. I woukd say ISIS should be at the top of international threats, not only for what they're doing, but what they could do and represent.

2. I do believe there are a substantial amount of people that don't want to work for a living and do expect handouts.

3. Visual evidence indicates Trump's crowds were not the biggest ever.

4. I do believe there was some amount of voter fraud.

5. I do believe Obama is a socialist (Frank Marshall Davis anyone??). Bernie wears it proudly, why couldn't Obama?

6. Goldman is evil, part of "the machine", no argument there. Not exactly pleased about those appointments.

7. And yes, I do believe Obama/Hillary ordered a stand down because it didn't fit the narrative/optics they already released to the public.

soorlady said:

They have already deported families - so it's not just the "bad hombres" being asked to leave. My 9 year old grandson is worried about his friend, Angel, and I can't promise that his worry is not justified. But perhaps prisoners would be better swayed in this area by the impact on his cash. Without migrant labor, tomatoes are currently rotting in the field. Americans who responded to a help wanted ad were few and most didn't last through the day. Look forward to increased costs of fruits and vegetables in the future.

tjohn said:

Not really. We have never held immigrants from Mexico to the letter of the law. Why start now? Do you seriously think we would be better off if 100% of illegal immigrants (both those who have overstayed their visas and those who entered illegally) were expelled. How would that make things better? On top of that, under the Obama Administration, the bad hombres were being expelled as they were under previous administrations. Jeez man, even Inspector Javert grew a heart at the end.
prisoners_dilemma said:

3. "Tear mothers from their children", that's really "rich". Typical left wing, over hyperbolized claptrap. Illegally emigrating to a country, you either knew or should have known that there would be consequences had you gotten caught.

Perhaps Angel's parents should have done a cost benefit analysis before coming here. And perhaps some of the Americans that applied should have toughed it out a bit more in the fields. When you actually have to work, and I mean really work and scrape by, you tend to appreciate what you have. Maybe some of the over privileged college kids walking around with their white puzzle pieces could do this as a penance for their white privilege.

ml1 said:

you believe a few things that don't have supporting evidence.
prisoners_dilemma said:

drummerboy said:

do you think it's healthy for people to believe all of the crap I listed?

prisoners_dilemma said:

I must say, I do love the acceptance of the Left, casting aspersions on anyone even remotely associated with Trump as troglodytes. You may believe yourselves to be "right", in both the moral and literal senses, but you're just another left wing elitist who thinks they know what's best for the rest of us. Guess what, you don't. As someone who sees some (not all, and i do not agree with everything) value in what he's doing, the constant bemoaning is getting quite tiresome. Casting everyone on the Right as a racist or mysoginist or obstructionist who wants to repeal women's and LGBT rights and send us back to the stone age is judging us as all the same. How amazed Dr. King would be at the crap show that America is today.

No, and if you find someone who believes each and every thing on your list, please tell me, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell them. But seriously, just cherry picking here:

1. I woukd say ISIS should be at the top of international threats, not only for what they're doing, but what they could do and represent.

2. I do believe there are a substantial amount of people that don't want to work for a living and do expect handouts.

3. Visual evidence indicates Trump's crowds were not the biggest ever.

4. I do believe there was some amount of voter fraud.

5. I do believe Obama is a socialist (Frank Marshall Davis anyone??). Bernie wears it proudly, why couldn't Obama?

6. Goldman is evil, part of "the machine", no argument there. Not exactly pleased about those appointments.

7. And yes, I do believe Obama/Hillary ordered a stand down because it didn't fit the narrative/optics they already released to the public.

What do you believe that doesn't have supporting evidence? Aliens? UFO's? JFK and Elvis living in Tahiti? It's what I believe. I don't need supporting evidence. Millions of Muslims believe in Mohammed, Christians in Christ. They were actual people, but there's no hard evidence they exist and supernatural beings.

I had some summer jobs when I was a youngster where I worked hard in the sun (e.g. picking up hay bales and tossing them on a wagon), but I've never done anything remotely like spending a long day picking fruits or vegetables by hand being paid by the piece or by the pound. When you say stuff like this, I hope you have at least done work like this at some point in your life.

prisoners_dilemma said:

Perhaps Angel's parents should have done a cost benefit analysis before coming here. And perhaps some of the Americans that applied should have toughed it out a bit more in the fields. When you actually have to work, and I mean really work and scrape by, you tend to appreciate what you have. Maybe some of the over privileged college kids walking around with their white puzzle pieces could do this as a penance for their white privilege.

hoops said:

prisoners_dilemma said:

I must say, I do love the acceptance of the Left, casting aspersions on anyone even remotely associated with Trump as troglodytes. You may believe yourselves to be "right", in both the moral and literal senses, but you're just another left wing elitist who thinks they know what's best for the rest of us. Guess what, you don't. As someone who sees some (not all, and i do not agree with everything) value in what he's doing, the constant bemoaning is getting quite tiresome. Casting everyone on the Right as a racist or mysoginist or obstructionist who wants to repeal women's and LGBT rights and send us back to the stone age is judging us as all the same. How amazed Dr. King would be at the crap show that America is today.

Voting and supporting a racist, his racist policies, his appointees who either are there to either tear apart the existing federal regulatory agencies or to empower the very wealthy, is proof enough that you need to own those aspersions.

You seem pretty far left, so I'll use little words and type slowly so you can understand me. Who's a racist? Quote me something he said that's racist. And tearing apart federal regulatory agencies? Which ones? The EPA with their $8.3B budget? That harasses small business owners and then sees fit to dump 3 million gallons of toxic sludge in the Colorado River, poisoning the Navajo Nations watershed? That EPA? Or perhaps the Dept of Aricluture with their $153B budget. The one that funds roughly $80B a year to pork projects and corporate interests? Federal agencies exist to consolidate the power base of the government and those that suckle at its teet.

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