Homeschool Pros/Cons

For those who are currently homeschooling or have done so in the past, please chime in. Pros/Cons. We are seriously considering it for our 7 and 9 year olds. 

con, its a lot of work.  with the internet it makes it a lot easier though.  sounds like your kids have been in the school in the past and likely have friends in the area that they can interact with after school for socialization and physical activity.  one thing home schoolers have to deal with is building that social network....but even outside public school contacts, there are networks of home school families.  you could be in a group that  meets at a park a couple days per week for phys ed for example.

have you thought about how you will do it?  you can pay tuition to an online school or you can just do the teaching yourself.

jmitw said:

con, its a lot of work.  with the internet it makes it a lot easier though.  sounds like your kids have been in the school in the past and likely have friends in the area that they can interact with after school for socialization and physical activity.  one thing home schoolers have to deal with is building that social network....but even outside public school contacts, there are networks of home school families.  you could be in a group that  meets at a park a couple days per week for phys ed for example.

have you thought about how you will do it?  you can pay tuition to an online school or you can just do the teaching yourself.

 We were thinking of paying for an online school since we are not great teachers. As for the social aspect, Being that it’s a pandemic they’re not really meeting with friends right now. I do love the flexibility of it all, my biggest concern is their placement once school is safe again. 

the social isolation will be an issue.  try to develop a plan for them to meet up outside with a small group of masked kids to play soccer or basket ball (they can bring their own balls and just take turns.  look for other sports they can play simple as bad minton ...even wiffle ball.....they don't stand too close for long.  there have been home schooled kids that ended up AHEAD of their grade.  social development is important.  see if you can find ways for them to play games with another child..even if they both have to set up their own game board and move each others pieces.

jmitw said:

the social isolation will be an issue.  try to develop a plan for them to meet up outside with a small group of masked kids to play soccer or basket ball (they can bring their own balls and just take turns.  look for other sports they can play simple as bad minton ...even wiffle ball.....they don't stand too close for long.  there have been home schooled kids that ended up AHEAD of their grade.  social development is important.  see if you can find ways for them to play games with another child..even if they both have to set up their own game board and move each others pieces.

 Thank you, such great suggestions. We were thinking of zoo visits while the weather permits as well as a museum trip here and there. Nature walks etc. I think we will try and set up an outdoor play date also. Thanks again

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