Hillary should ask Bernie to be VP and Bernie should take it

Hillary should ask Bernie to be VP and Bernie should take it.  It would be his best chance to use his leverage to get the party to continue moving his way and their best chance to be elected.  He can't be thinking he will run again for President?   

they usually look for a combination of region and age balance for the ticket.  That doesn't really meet either one.

Anthem said:

Hillary should ask Bernie to be VP and Bernie should take it.  It would be his best chance to use his leverage to get the party to continue moving his way and their best chance to be elected.  He can't be thinking he will run again for President?   

I disagree that it would be his "best chance".  A suggested alternative, if he is not the nominee:

1.  Tell his supporters: "We need a President Clinton to sign those bills that implement the changes that we want.  That won't happen with a President Trump."

2.  Start getting involved with down-ballot races.  Are there vulnerable GOP office-holders, who could be defeated by a candidate with enthusiastic, Bernie-like support?  Heck, get involved (as he has started to do) with Democratic primaries, and encourage change.

On May 18, in another one of these Bernie/Hillary threads, I wrote the following, which I think is also a response to your suggestion, about how Senator Sanders can continue to promote his values:

"One should participate for some time in the party, recruit others who share your vision into that party, make sure that not only grass-roots supporters but local and state officials are participating in your vision, and finally make sure that the party isn't weakened by the success of another party with a very different agenda."


I'd like to see Sanders as heading the department of Labor or Health and Human Services. He could do a lot of good there, more than if he were VP.

no she shouldn't and no he shouldn't.

Just what the Democrats need; two old coots one a liar and the other one step away from being a communist.  Give it a break; in the event you forget Bernie was not a Democrat until less than a year ago.  And Hillary has been around too long and never had the moral character to throw her disgraceful spouse out.

Bernie is his own man and will not serve in any capacity under Hillary.  Do you think he wants to answer

to her?

Not going to happen, and makes no sense, but never say never.

I don't think Sanders makes sense, but I could see Warren. I do have some doubts whether the country could actually support two women on the ticket, but assuming we can get past such basic sexism, Warren brings a lot of Sanders' vision without his baggage, and assuming a successful Clinton presidency, we'd be potentially set up for a Warren presidency to follow.

John Adams on the vice presidency "The most insignificant office that ever the invention of man contrived."

While this may be overstating, I don't think as VP you have ton of chances to really get things done. Of course it depends on the relationship the VP has with the President (GWB gave Cheney his ear, and Obama has tasked Biden with some important jobs), but I think so much of the responsibilities are figurehead things, like funerals, speeches, etc. A VP can be marginalized very easily. 

Probably ageist, but I think whether its Clinton or Sanders, they should probably pick someone fairly young for VP. For the party as well, because the torch has to be passed. 

I think we need Warren in the Senate for now.

sac said:

I think we need Warren in the Senate for now.

I was thinking the same.

But speaking of Senators, Cory Booker is an interesting choice

no he really isn't.  He does however share her affinity for Wall Street.

please anyone except Elizabeth Warren.  She is far too important a voice in the senate.  

hoops said:

please anyone except Elizabeth Warren.  She is far too important a voice in the senate.  


if She picks Booker, Christie gets to appoint someone to be senator.  She is not going to give up a vote in the senate for someone who does not bring more to the table to help her get elected. 

I highly doubt Sanders would accept - 

mikescott said:

if She picks Booker, Christie gets to appoint someone to be senator.  She is not going to give up a vote in the senate for someone who does not bring more to the table to help her get elected. 

I highly doubt Sanders would accept - 

Hillary and BS are both northeastern liberals (now, don't start) and she'll need someone that can attract a different demographic than her own. Perhaps somebody like Julian Castro?  (Is he too young at 42?)

The_Soulful_Mr_T said:
mikescott said:

if She picks Booker, Christie gets to appoint someone to be senator.  She is not going to give up a vote in the senate for someone who does not bring more to the table to help her get elected. 

I highly doubt Sanders would accept - 

Hillary and BS are both northeastern liberals (now, don't start) and she'll need someone that can attract a different demographic than her own. Perhaps somebody like Julian Castro?  (Is he too young at 42?)

I know that's the usual logic, but it seems like the main thing holding Hillary back are the #Bernieorbust crowd and having him on the ticket (if he would accept) would seem to solve that.

JFK was 43 when elected president so I don't see much difference there regarding Castro, and he would definitely be attractive to many.  (But I don't know if ANY Democrat can deliver Texas.)

bernieorbust will dissolve soon after NJ primaries when he'll step down and get behind his party and the successful candidate. He doesn't need to be VP to convert his followers.

conandrob240 said:

bernieorbust will dissolve soon after NJ primaries when he'll step down and get behind his party and the successful candidate. He doesn't need to be VP to convert his followers.

I hope you're right.

it happens every election. This one isn't any different.

conandrob240 said:

it happens every election. This one isn't any different.

It sure seems different to me.  I hope I'm wrong about that.

it's not really. Everyone's passionate about their candidate. It goes down when the loser endorses and stumps for the other. I suppose if the Republican candidate were a strong one, there might be done flipping. 

conandrob240 said:

bernieorbust will dissolve soon after NJ primaries when he'll step down and get behind his party and the successful candidate. He doesn't need to be VP to convert his followers.

Bernie is not going to step down after NJ. He's going the whole way to the convention. Bernie or Bust is not going to dissolve unless Al Gore takes away the internet.

sac said:
conandrob240 said:

it happens every election. This one isn't any different.

It sure seems different to me.  I hope I'm wrong about that.

It feels exactly like the 2008 PUMA nonsense to me. 

I wouldn't be so sure. People tend to step up and go what's right after reality sinks in. We'll see

Is that how Bush won twice?

dave said:

Is that how Bush won twice?

yeah right, lol

MelechRic said:
dave said:

Is that how Bush won twice?

yeah right, lol

Yeah the asshats in Dumbf**kistan got religion.  That's how Bush won twice.

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