Groundhog Removal?

I found two options - Got Wildlife and KRB pest control. Does anyone have any recs please? Tx

mem said:

I found two options - Got Wildlife and KRB pest control. Does anyone have any recs please? Tx

Buy a large Have a heart trap..............bait wth vegetables............release animal in the reservation

Buy a large Have a heart trap..............bait wth vegetables............release animal in the yard of someone with a trump sign.

If we release a ground hog in the reservation, isn't it going to make its way back to our area like the deer do?

gerryl said:

If we release a ground hog in the reservation, isn't it going to make its way back to our area like the deer do?

Is someone trapping deer and returning them to the reservation???

gerryl said:

If we release a ground hog in the reservation, isn't it going to make its way back to our area like the deer do?

I take them over to Short Hills.  They have some really nice gardens over there and more dining choices for the groundhog

They are really nasty when trapped  and being released. Be prepared. They also have a tendency to empty their bowels in the trap, which if it's in your car, ain't fun.

We have one too.  Soooo cute.  Maybe we can introduce them to one another.

I just put fences around my vegetable garden.  I can't be bothered with trapping.

These two groundhogs live under my deck. They eat everything. They dig under the fence, they knock down tall flowers to eat them, they dig up bulbs, they pull down vines, they climb into planters. They are huge and they are crazy!

marylago said:
gerryl said:

If we release a ground hog in the reservation, isn't it going to make its way back to our area like the deer do?

Is someone trapping deer and returning them to the reservation???

That would be one big have a heart.

As I pulled into my driveway last night one of them ran from my garden. Of course the damage was done and I said to myself, "why can't I have anything nice around here". They ar destructive menaces. I used to have a trap but lent it to someone and don't remember who. If you can trap em you have to bring them 5+ miles away or they will return  I really hate them

gerryl said:

If we release a ground hog in the reservation, isn't it going to make its way back to our area like the deer do?

Racoons are famous for it.........did not have much experience with the bigger guys

Was sent to Daughters of Israel to trap a family but got called back as the residents enjoyed watching them

Please consider waiting until August. The mothers have just given birth  (May and June ) and 2 - 6 little ones are born, completely blind and helpless. She will care for  them until their fur grows in and then she will teach them how to survive. They will move off to other areas around August. If she is taken away now, the babies will all die of starvation. They are in the burrow and there will be several entrances. The male usually leaves but may return. I use Critter Ridder as a spray on plants and it works pretty well.

They are not too hard to trap, early morning with fresh veges.  Mine did not return from West Orange.

Just don't forget to close the trap at night, or you mind find yourself releasing an angry racoon, or worse, a vengeful skunk.

They have dug under the lattice work to get under our deck. THey came up on my deck and ate my parsley and 2 pots of basil and a tomato plant. I thought I was safe with my few herbs and tomatoes on my deck. Oh well!! Makes me want a shot gun! (just kidding!)

I won't provide any links here, but if you Google the phrase "groundhog stew" you get some interesting responses.

Just FYI gerryl a shotgun is kinda overkill. 

gerryl said:

 Makes me want a shot gun! (just kidding!)

Perfectly understandable.  

mrincredible, I don't know. Both my parents grew up on farms. I did not. I never did any shooting. I grew up in burbs till I moved to NYC in my late 20's. It is my recollection that that using a shot gun was at least the expression used. Kind of like "shot gun wedding". 

A quick google led me to 


A long-barrelled, smooth-bore gun, normally used for discharging small shot at modest ranges. 
Shotguns are the most common weapons found on farms. Often used for control of wild animals and game shooting, they are a very effective means of killing all species of farm animals in an emergency and, if used properly, are equally effective and much safer than rifles and handguns. They should be used from a short distance (5-25cm from the target).

I did notice the website was from the UK. Maybe their name for shot gun means something different from ours?

no, you've got it right, except I think the range estimate should have been meters, not centimeters.

By August they'll have eaten my house and family.

mem said:

By August they'll have eaten my house and family.

Not if you eat them first.  grrr 

groundhog removal system at rest.

FilmCarp said:

groundhog removal system at rest.

Really, unless a dog is a hunter and means business, a groundhog can do some damage.

tjohn said:
FilmCarp said:

groundhog removal system at rest.

Really, unless a dog is a hunter and means business, a groundhog can do some damage.

I have a groundhog. My neighbors on either side have dogs. They have no groundhogs...

If you put ammonia on cotton balls and place them at the burrow openings, the groundhog will vacate the burrow.  I wouldn't evict a groundhog during breeding season.  

tjohn said:
FilmCarp said:

groundhog removal system at rest.

Really, unless a dog is a hunter and means business, a groundhog can do some damage.

When we moved in we were groundhog central.  We got the dog and he made the place no fun for them.  He also caught and killed one.  They have moved on to easier gardens.

FilmCarp said:
tjohn said:
FilmCarp said:

groundhog removal system at rest.

Really, unless a dog is a hunter and means business, a groundhog can do some damage.

When we moved in we were groundhog central.  We got the dog and he made the place no fun for them.  He also caught and killed one.  They have moved on to easier gardens.

Tough dog then.  When I was growing up, our dog messed with a muskrat, we think, and end up with some bad bites.

Lucky dog and dumb groundhog.  Natural selection at work.  But it was not my favorite day.  I don't like killing critters, even annoying ones.

Our dog fancies herself a hunter.  She got lucky and surprised a groundhog, wounded him, he got away and she was luckily unhurt. We try to make sure the whistlepig has fair warning to run away because he really could hurt her.

Trap and release far away is the way to go.

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