GOP Man For Township Committee! archived

Hey Maplewood libs!

I'm starting this blog as a service to the small put-upon minority of conservatives in Maplewood will know they are not alone. It's hard being an oppressed minority, and I figure I can give a little insight into what it's like to feel like a stranger in a strange land. If I help even one young aspiring conservative to feel better about him or herself, it will all be worth it.

I'm also going to be blogging about what it's like to be a conservative Republican living under the oppression of a Democratic congress. I sense that some of my fellow GOP-ers are feeling a little lost and a lot angry after the election. Not me, I didn't become a successful entrepreneur by throwing in the towel when things get a little tough. My Republican head is held high, and I'm ready to defend my party!

"When the going gets tough, the tough get going."

GOP Man - A proud American!!

Rename this blog: Diary Of A Troll.

Troll? It's pure Colbert-ish satire...

I know GOP man in real life. He is what he says he is, a conservative Republican who can't afford to live in Chatham or Westfield, where he would be amongst his own kind.

Chatham and Westfield? I know people who moved there because they could not afford Maplewood.

Why not move to Idaho?

Chatham just elected 2 dems to council.

This is the problem, we've got all these assumptions about what it means politically to be from Chatham and Westfield, but in reality the uppercrusties in well-off suburban enclaves are abandoning conservatism at an alarming rate (alarming, that is, for those of us true to the faith). I chalk it up to classism (is that a word?), i.e., there are scores of well educated suburban elites who are inclined to conservative principles but who view the GOP as the party of unthinking, unrefined, redneck, christian conservatives and adopt liberal views to disassociate with such ruffians and to fit in with the supposed sophisticates. It's sad, really. Very, very sad.

Yes, Foger, but they are conservative Lieberman Dems. Really DINOs!!!!!!!

Sowalk, I don't think that the very red suburbs are turning purple because of liberal principals, just disgust with the corruption currently going on in the GOP. Nancy is currently doing her best to destroy that advantage with her support of people such as Murtha and Hastings.

This thread is becoming an annex to Soapbox-Politics.

The discussion shows the constraints of the terms "Liberal" and "Conservative", as well as the problem of Party identification. More and more people consider themselves "Independents" and this is probably particularly true of upper middle class suburbanites. Additionally, those folks are "conservative" in the sense of fiscal conservatism. They are for limited government spending and low taxes. The Bush GOP has been spending like crazy and while they still talk "low taxes" any fool knows that runaway spending has to result in tax increases eventually. The people in question have never been "social conservatives" and certainly not "religious conservatives". They are "pro-choice" and have no problem with gays. And they habitually employ illegal immigrants!

The Upper Middle Class suburbanites have not left the GOP the GOP left them.

BobK: Dems were elected to the Chatham Town Council on a platform of support for the War in Iraq?

No one cares about ancient scandals involving Murtha or Hastings except for certain MOL right wingers. ABSCAM was 30 years ago and was a sleazy FBI set-up of disfavored Congressmen, and Murtha wasn't formally charged with anything. Those same suburbanites we were talking about probably like Murtha for his stand on Iraq. Hastings was found not guilty and lots of people saw him as the victim of a racist frame-up. And that also was many many years ago.

Actually Lost, the Chatham elections were about local issues, mostly open government and the decision of the TC to spend a cool million to turf some athletic fields. Sounds kinda like a Republican reaction, no? Not all that surprising since one of the victors was a registered Republican until he decided to stand for election. :bigsmile:

Colbert isn't even that funny, so why do we need two?

Posted By: scrotisloknowsColbert isn't even that funny ...

:rolling: Sure, right ...

Seeing someone else's ox gored is funny. Seeing you own ox gored is painful.

Scrot - Try watching it with a friend. They can help explain the hard stuff...

Colbert tries too hard...he reminds me of that annoying guy in high school trying to win the class clown award....he has his moments, don't get me wrong but....


maybe a moment like this?

I had a great Thanksgiving. It's probably my favorite secular holiday. You have to love a day that has three nationally televised NFL games. My 'Boys won, so I was a happy guy. Not that I wouldn't have been happy enough with the Thanksgiving feast. It was great to be with my family, and sharing a bountiful dinner. Except the yams. I hate yams. And I don't know why they're served on Thanksgiving. I've never met one person who's thankful for the existence of yams. They exist in this weird place. Too sweet to really be a vegetable, but not sweet enough to be a dessert. But that doesn't stop people from trying to make them even sweeter. They add honey or brown sugar or maple syrup or something that just makes the yams sickening. And don't get me started on those mini-marshmallows. That's just stupid, mixing candy and a vegetable. Let me go on the record right now as saying those two things should never be put together.

So bottom line - I hate yams. But I love Thanksgiving.

"And I don't know why they're served on Thanksgiving. I've never met one person who's thankful for the existence of yams. They exist in this weird place. Too sweet to really be a vegetable, but not sweet enough to be a dessert. But that doesn't stop people from trying to make them even sweeter. They add honey or brown sugar or maple syrup or something that just makes the yams sickening. And don't get me started on those mini-marshmallows. That's just stupid, mixing candy and a vegetable. Let me go on the record right now as saying those two things should never be put together."

GOP Man seems to be showing an intolerance over how people different from him celebrate their Thanksgiving.

What gives?

I'll admit that my taste buds are darn intolerant of yams, especially if they're cooked with those marshmallows. But I do like turnips, if that means anything.

GOP man, it means that you haven't figured out 'how the winds are blowing' before you take a political position on whether you are for turnips or sweet potatoes.

I think it's a metaphor. Libs prefer sweet, conservatives go for the savory.

You have a point, Tom Delay has been savory.

But all joking aside, I appreciate your intent. Both parties are minority. I wouldn't represent the Republicans as the underdog in the days ahead.

metaphor? yams and rutabegas (aka turnips)...libs and cons?

We had both at thanksgiving, but then, we had a mixed lib/con crowd....we had the turnips mixed with the russett potatoes to make scrumpdillicious mashed taters....And the yams, well, really, the sweet potatoes (they are the yellow ones, not the orange yams), we had as a casserole SANS marshmallows...the topping was extraordinaire made of pecans, coconut and brown sugar - ooooh, like a praline plus dessert....thank goodness we had made lots for leftovers....I ate both, on the same plate, twice or threetimes, as leftovers...good thing I made so much....they were good together...

....I am thinking that libs and cons can find common ground, afterall...they are both root vegetables...

But I think we can all agree on the supremacy of the cranberry, when even the libbest libs will agree that it's good to be red.

you are wrong again. a light red such as pinot noir would go well with the turkey dinner. Not as good as a dry riesling, but still good.

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