Global Warming? Or Outright Lies? archived

Over the years I've been following how those opposed to the theory of "Global Warming" have been bashed and denigrated by so called "believers." I've received some of this myself. Now it seems evidence is available strongly suggesting that false data has been purposefully "arranged" in order to either show a warming (where there was none), or to hide a cooling trend? Wow!

Nice! And curiously no mention on MOL yet, thus this post.

Hey, working the press to further your agenda is one thing, but maipulating the facts and data? Wow!

Additionally, it seems that evidence of a plot regarding the efforts to demean any climate scientists who disagreed with the "man-made global warming" line of thinking is apt to be forthcoming.

Having been a skeptic, (my opinion has always been directed towards Sun spots as being the major factor), I wonder what those of you on MOL think. Perhaps its time to become a little more open minded. Or are you still buying this set of lies, hook line and sinker?

I agree Jurgens. I think they've been putting heat lamps on those icebergs, causing them to melt at such alarming rates. Damned Libs.

“Montreal — Tens of thousands of people ignored frigid temperatures Saturday to lead a worldwide day of protest against global warming.”
December 6, 2005, Daily Gazette.

It was the Daily Telegraph.


pay attention:

Jurgens said: "Additionally, it seems that evidence of a plot regarding the efforts to demean any climate scientists who disagreed with the "man-made global warming" line of thinking is apt to be forthcoming."

They key term in the above statament is "man-made global warming".

Why can't "libs" differentiate between natural GW and AGW? And why can't they accept that proponents of AGW are not always honest as recently proven?


Global warming is an international hoax perpetrated by those wishing to diminish the righteous Republican Party of America. So committed are other countries to this hoax, that they are getting they jump on the United States in the development of green technologies. We will have the last laugh when this hoax is exposed for what it is.

Posted By: jurgens
Nice! And curiously no mention on MOL yet, thus this post.

There was a thread. Please pay attention.

Why is the right wing so invested in denying global warming? Do you own lots of Exxon stock? Do you just knee-jerk react because you generally disagree with the people who find the scientific evidence cause for concern?

Really, honestly, why do you put so much energy into denying something that has overwhelming scientific evidence behind it?

Jurgens, those lines of thinking will will do nothing but bring the Goracle Thought Police down upon you in droves, and cast you out as an environmental heretic. The Sun couldn't POSSIBLY have anything to do with 'warming', perish the thought!

Posted By: Rethfernhim
Posted By: jurgens
Nice! And curiously no mention on MOL yet, thus this post.

There was a thread. Please pay attention.

Why is the right wing so invested in denying global warming? Do you own lots of Exxon stock? Do you just knee-jerk react because you generally disagree with the people who find the scientific evidence cause for concern?

Really, honestly, why do you put so much energy into denying something that has overwhelming scientific evidence behind it?

because they can't deal with the fact that science is more or less confirming the general warnings of the dfh liberals who have been saying that we need to take care of our planet.

It's just the ultimate insult to them, and they'd have to admit that "we" were right all along, and they will never, ever do that - open, minded, hard-reasoning, non-emotional types that they are.

Draw your own conclusions, but I think one of the goals of those who drank the "Koolaide of Global Warming" has always been to establish some sort of international wealth redistribution. From my view, "productive people" (read "Atlas Shrugged" and you'll know what I mean by this), aren't going to fall for such a scheme. But it sure seems that giving away money because we're the "guilty ones" is increasingly being sold on the basis of "fairness" or the need to care for those "less fortunate."

Hey, its a scheme that's been worked with increasing furvor. And you can eventually con people into believing that the very survival of the human species is at stake, (if you repeat the lie often enough....). Obama is soon scheduling a signing in Copenhagen isn't he? Some sort of extention of the Kyoto Protocol? Not much in the news about it, so I'm not as certain as I might have been a month or so back,'s just another tax on our economy as if that will save the planet....Give me break.

So, I guess most of you still buy the big lie....Good Luck, I hope that works out for you......And Happy Turkey, gobble, gobble

So, are you still a firm global warming believer?

And if you haven't read much about this subject, might I suggest this link.....seems the US media isn't all over it quite yet....

Oh this is that statements-taken-out-of-context-from-one-school's-emails story? Didn't we already talk about this?

Oh, yeah, we did -

And since that thread started with a Washington Post story, you might want to edit out the "U.S. media" crack.

did you actually, seriously, just tell us to read Atlas Shrugged?

And as for "reading about this subject" - how much have you read from the pro side?

Hasn't our Congress, (both the House and Senate), passed legislation based primarily upon this data?

So, will spare me, I guess Eric Holder will move towards prosecuting those responsible? Yeah, right.....

First, read them their rights.

Drummerboy - Have you ever heard this quote before?

"There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old's life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs."


Posted By: jurgensSo, are you still a firm global warming believer?

And if you haven't read much about this subject, might I suggest this link.....seems the US media isn't all over it quite yet....

how come the "final nail" isn't a scientific disproof?

sorry, but this issue just shows how totally, utterly stupid the right can be sometimes. They just checked their brains at the door on this one.

I believe that the vast majority of scientists-- and others in a position to know about such things agree that there is a problem. As is the case with humans, there will always be those who disagree. There are still those who thought the earth was flat and that no one ever set foot on the moon and that aliens invaded earth and it happened in New Mexico. Fortunately their influence is minimal.

Posted By: noheroDrummerboy - Have you ever heard this quote before?

"There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old's life:The Lord of the RingsandAtlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs."


yes, I have.

To be honest (and I think I've talked about this before) I'm a big fan of Rand's fiction. I've read Atlas Shrugged a number of times, and I used to read The Fountainhead about every two years for quite a while.

Somehow, these books just strengthened my liberalism - I wonder why.

Oh, maybe because they were FICTION?

Posted By: bookwormI believe that the vast majority of scientists-- and others in a position to know about such things agree that there is a problem. As is the case with humans, there will always be those who disagree. There are still those who thought the earth was flat and that no one ever set foot on the moon and that aliens invaded earth and it happened in New Mexico. Fortunately their influence is minimal.

Their influence is minimal? Excuse me, but their influence is such that we haven't done a darn thing to seriously address the problem - in fact, we just proceed on making it worse.

Posted By: jurgensOver the years I've been following how those opposed to the theory of "Global Warming" have been bashed and denigrated by so called "believers."

while following the deniers progress, did you also notice that they were all FOS, and completely unable to refute the science?

I ran across this(well i read this guy's blog so...) The Global Warming Religion - A Modern Day Crusade: Do You select The Cause or Does the Cause Select You?

There's a video w/ a historical climatologist Tim Ball. I know nothing about this guy so I'm not going to vouch for him, but he makes some interesting points.

The problem they had is they kept saying the 20th century and the latter part of it is the warmest ever. And of course skeptics like myself [and several other names] were saying it was warmer 1000 years ago when the Vikings were in Iceland and Greenland and that's why they decided they had to get rid of the Medieval Warm Period and they achieved that with the hockey stick. In other words they completely rewrote the history.

I'm always interested in views that contradict the conventional wisdom. So, I think its worth a watch. Regardless, I do think we could be better stewards of the environment. I'm not sure that the government is really going to help matters though. I mean they tend to pursue policies that stimulate over consumption, war, oil subsidies, etc. I'm not sure any of these policies are environment friendly.

"Draw your own conclusions, but I think one of the goals of those who drank the "Koolaide of Global Warming" has always been to establish some sort of international wealth redistribution. From my view, "productive people" (read "Atlas Shrugged" and you'll know what I mean by this), aren't going to fall for such a scheme. But it sure seems that giving away money because we're the "guilty ones" is increasingly being sold on the basis of "fairness" or the need to care for those "less fortunate."

Love it. The Chinese and Indians, of course, don't subscribe to this silliness. They know that international wealth distribution is achieved through industrialization, education and mobilization of your workforce. I guess when we are running call centers for China and India, the righteous right can blame Al Gore for that too.

Oh, and that care for the less fortunate stuff. Please stop it. It sounds Christian or even Communist.

Posted By: noheroDrummerboy - Have you ever heard this quote before?

"There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old's life:The Lord of the RingsandAtlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs."


One person's opinion nohero, but I guess since YOU posted it and agreee it must be the gospel.

I am not going to go so far as to say "climategate" competely disproves AGW, but what it does ultimately show (and I and others have been saying all along) is that Mother Nature is a hard creature to understand and pin down which makes any claim of AGW harder to prove/defend. I think these climatologists were reminded of this.


I've been following the Global Warming "debate" since the late 1960's (you read that right). For most of this time, it wasn't partisan. And until the late 1990's, the skeptics held the upper hand. Since then, the data has become overwhelming. While you can always find some academic to take the other side (just as there are "creationist scientists" at some colleges), there is overwhelming agreement in the scientific community that Global Warming is real, and the the causes include a significant human-created factor.

In a country where only 30% of the citizens believe in evolution, it's no wonder that ignorance and anti-science wingnuttery are treated with the same validity as good scientific research.

Here's Athabasca Braasch glacier, from 1917 and 2000:

Posted By: terpI ran across this(well i read this guy's blog so...)The Global Warming Religion - A Modern Day Crusade: Do You select The Cause or Does the Cause Select You?

There's a video w/ a historical climatologist Tim Ball. I know nothing about this guy so I'm not going to vouch for him, but he makes some interesting points.

The problem they had is they kept saying the 20th century and the latter part of it is the warmest ever. And of course skeptics like myself [and several other names] were saying it was warmer 1000 years ago when the Vikings were in Iceland and Greenland and that's why they decided they had to get rid of the Medieval Warm Period and they achieved that with the hockey stick. In other words they completely rewrote the history.

I'm always interested in views that contradict the conventional wisdom. So, I think its worth a watch. Regardless, I do think we could be better stewards of the environment. I'm not sure that the government is really going to help matters though. I mean they tend to pursue policies that stimulate over consumption, war, oil subsidies, etc. I'm not sure any of these policies are environment friendly.

Tim Ball is FOS regarding the hockey stick and the medieval warm period.

As a matter of fact, when a denier raises either of those issues, it's a surefire shortcut way of determining that they're FOS.

Read and get edumacated.

an "overwhelming agreement" doesn't make something true.

Wow. I'm in awe! In just two pictures, taken over 80 years apart, you provide solid proof that Global Warnmng is real and caused by man. You deserve a prize....

I'm convinced, so go ahead and sign all the Bills and lets just legislate our money to those less fortunate because we caused this....Thank you, Why on earth didn't someone do this before? Oh Al Gore would be so proud. BTW, has he made any money off of this scheme?

And Nohereo, shall we submit an employment application for you at the call center? I hear they'll be taking applications soon....


Come on up to northern New England. It's been like summer up here, even now. They have had two years of very little snow.

I'll be happy to see a flake or two!!!!

Posted By: daisychainjurgens:

Come on up to northern New England. It's been like summer up here, even now. They have had two years of very little snow.

I'll be happy to see a flake or two!!!!


can you please provide proof that these "summer like" NE conditions are caused by you and me?

Seriously, why cant anyone get this debate straight?

The 2 pictures of the glacier does not prove that humans are the primary cause of its shrinkage. So Al Gore and others, STOP showing this crap.


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