Flushing! No tap water for 2 weeks???

The town has alerted us to the flushing by NJAWC. They recommend no tap water during the flushing, which is listed as 4/13 to 4/26. So no tap water for 2 weeks? Has anyone heard of any map that narrows it down by specific area?

I expect they will move around during that period and individual impacts will be much shorter.

Didn't the recent water main break effectively flush the system? Do they really need to do this after the flushing we all endured?

I poured a significant quantity of metered brown water down the drain as the water company fixed their aging pipes.

when it's happened in the past it's only on the day that they do your immediate area. The notice also states that it's not a matter of not having tap water but that you might find the pressure low, or water discolored, and you can remedy by running the water until it's clear. We're not dealing with anything like that fiasco from two weeks ago! From the notice:

"To cleanse the system, NJ American Water systematically opens our fire hydrants to increase water flows – allowing us to “flush” any minerals and deposits from the pipes. While flushing the system won’t interrupt your water service, when crews are working in your area, you may notice a temporary drop in water pressure or discolored water. This is normal. If this happens, simply let your water run until it is clear.

Customer Tips:
Avoid running your tap water and using the washing machine or dishwasher while crews are flushing in your area.
If discolored water occurs, simply run the cold water for a few minutes until it clear. This will allow the sediment to work its way through your pipes.
Check for discolored water before using the washing machine or dishwasher. Wait until the water runs clear at the tap before doing laundry or running the dishwasher. NOTE : If your laundry becomes stained, DO NOT PUT YOUR LAUNDRY IN THE DRYER. Rewash clothes immediately using detergent and add a rust remover. Most rust removers can also be used on stained fixtures.
In some cases, slight discoloration might linger for a few hours. This discoloration only affects the appearance of the water and does not affect water quality. No health hazards are associated with discolored water from hydrant flushing.
If water pressure or water volume seems low after flushing has been completed, check your faucet screens for trapped particles."

It usually passes pretty quickly!

they recently did this in my area in WO and there was no loss of water, but did have pressure variations. I just ran the water for a while after they passed through my area to clear out the pipes from any junk they might have introduced...

I'll trade the day or two of inconvenience to know they're on top of their maintenance. Fair tradeoff if you ask me.

I did all the laundry yesterday, just in case! Oh I'm not against clean pipes…just hope I don't suddenly find out that I can't have a clean me.

Maybe some of the unjustly inconvenienced Maplewood folks would rather trade places with us in South Orange? Our water company never inconveniences us with trifles like maintaining our water infrastructure and making sure the water is actually clean and safe to use... and their communications with us are very conveniently limited to 1) bills that are full of bogus extra charges and fees, and 2) periodic water quality reports that everyone assumes are full of lies...

The town has become more pro-active about sending messages to residents alerting us to whatever may be going on around town. That doesn't mean that things have really changed. NJAWC flushes the lines every year and most of us don't even notice this is happening. There is really nothing to worry about. The time span listed in the town's e-mail refers to the entire period during which NJAWC may be flushing lines somewhere in town. The actual process for any one section of town is much shorter. Reduction in water pressure, if any, is apt to be far less significant than what was experienced immediately after the recent water main break in Millburn. Any brown you may find in the water can easily be addressed by running water for a few minutes. In more than 30 years, I have never experienced a lack of water service during flushing and neither has anyone else that i know of. It really is no big deal.

Anyone been affected by this yet?

So far (after one week) nothing.  Anyone had yucky water yet?

A little bit of brown in MAPLECREST on Thursday, but probably not enough to be related.

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