Feet on the Seats -- The Blog

OK, I know this shouldn't bother me so much, and I've tried, but every time I see some rude, arrogant person put his/her feet on the train seats, it just makes my blood boil (would you want to sit in that seat afterwards)?

So I've decided to start a blog with mug shots of these offending feet. Feel free to add to it if you'd like. Hopefully I won't have to add to this often, but, it all depends on YOU. Remember, you're being watched......

It is kinda rude. But it's also public transportation. Who knows who/what was on that seat before you even got there.

Drives me crazy, too.

Installment #2 from tonight (are these your feet?)

Does anyone else think it is rude for a single person or even two people to take up the four seater on the double-decker trains?

EBennett said:

Does anyone else think it is rude for a single person or even two people to take up the four seater on the double-decker trains?

I find it rude for one person to take a two seater, because they think their bag need a sit too, specially on rush hour. It used to irritate me so much when I was pregnant I took it to specially look for those individuals and ask them to remove their stuff, so I could sit. It still bothers me today but if I see other empty seats I just take one of those.

OTOH, I was on the subway the other day and there was a tiny gap between me and the woman I was sitting next to, and a woman boarded the train and asked my neighbor to shift over, then proceeded to squeeze herself into the gap between us to the point where my neighbor just stood up and let her have the seat. So weird. Just ask for the seat if you need it, rather than trying to sit on our laps.

EBennett said:

Does anyone else think it is rude for a single person or even two people to take up the four seater on the double-decker trains?

Really? Even when it's the last forward facing seats? How does one person "take up" four seats?

I sat in a four-seater this morning, bag on lap. I didn't think I was hogging four seats (two people got on later and sat near me) but if you see it otherwise I'd like to know!

When it comes to bags on seats, I have no hesitation about saying excuse me and sitting there. And in all the years I've taken the train, I don't think I've ever encountered any resistance (not to say it doesn't happen).

The other day I was sitting next to a two-seater with a man in one seat and his bags in the other. People looking for seats kept slowing down and kind of lurking but were too timid to press the issue, and moved on. I was trying to figure out a really nasty way to tell him to move his bags that was still not nasty enough to get me punched out. Then his girlfriend came back from the bathroom, picked up her bags, and sat down next to him.

j_r said:

EBennett said:

Does anyone else think it is rude for a single person or even two people to take up the four seater on the double-decker trains?

Really? Even when it's the last forward facing seats? How does one person "take up" four seats?

I sat in a four-seater this morning, bag on lap. I didn't think I was hogging four seats (two people got on later and sat near me) but if you see it otherwise I'd like to know!

When it comes to bags on seats, I have no hesitation about saying excuse me and sitting there. And in all the years I've taken the train, I don't think I've ever encountered any resistance (not to say it doesn't happen).

I think EBennett is referring to the one person in the last picture taking 3 sits, the one he is sitting on, the other where his foot is, and looks like a third one with a briefcase.

andean_angel said:

j_r said:

EBennett said:

Does anyone else think it is rude for a single person or even two people to take up the four seater on the double-decker trains?

Really? Even when it's the last forward facing seats? How does one person "take up" four seats?

I sat in a four-seater this morning, bag on lap. I didn't think I was hogging four seats (two people got on later and sat near me) but if you see it otherwise I'd like to know!

When it comes to bags on seats, I have no hesitation about saying excuse me and sitting there. And in all the years I've taken the train, I don't think I've ever encountered any resistance (not to say it doesn't happen).

I think EBennett is referring to the one person in the last picture taking 3 sits, the one he is sitting on, the other where his foot is, and looks like a third one with a briefcase.

I initially had posted "and see how he's taking up all 4 seats on a crowded train" (the seat next to me is empty because the person just got up to get off the train). I decided to erase that part of the post because I figured, well, if he's ballsy enough to do it, and nobody asks him to remove his stuff so they can sit, that's on them, and not him. IMHO.


Saw this one yesterday. Every time the conductor came near, she put her feet down. She was also a "quiet car enforcer." Only the rules that suit her are applicable, I guess.

Atta girl! Keep 'em coming!

I notice a lot of these people do that too -- remove their feet when the conductor comes by (as if the conductor is ever going to tell them to get their feet off the seats). I think the problem is those four-seaters -- they should be removed and turned into two double seats facing the same way. More people will be able to sit down as a result.

I never, ever sit in those 4 seaters, so I will never, ever be featured on this blog. I will try and contribute candid shots, tho.

Can we expand to bag-on-seaters?

marcsiry said:

I never, ever sit in those 4 seaters, so I will never, ever be featured on this blog. I will try and contribute candid shots, tho.

Can we expand to bag-on-seaters?

Absolutely! But hey, you gave me a bigger idea: video the obnoxious/loud cell phone talkers! Now THAT would be a blog! LOL!

The 4 seaters are poorly designed. There isn't enough leg room for most adults to sit comfortably across from one another.
They are useful for adults traveling with kids, but not for much else.

Sometimes there are the responsible, thoughtful single travelers who keep their belongings to themselves so others can sit, as described by j r.

It is odd how some people are reticent about asking people to move their bags, as though it would be rude.
Its not rude to ask someone to move their bag, its rude to take up a seat when people are standing.

A friend asked a man kindly to remove his bag so she could sit on a very crowded train. He said no! NO!! And proceeded to be really really nasty in facial expressions and in words. She was so horrified and a bit scared she just moved on. Some people are jerks.

I use the technique I learned from Ligeti right here on MOL. I pretend not to see the bag. I just sit right down. Before my ass hits the bag, they've whisked it away. No need to say anything.

Thanks, Tom, the technique continues to work for me to this day. It is important to pretend you don't see their stuff on the seat -- it's a seat, there's no person sitting in it, so I sit down. Their junk always quickly disappears. The seat hog is very aware of your presence, and is just hoping you'll move on rather than risk a confrontation. I don't think you should have to ask permission to sit in an empty train seat.

I think every train should have a 'rude car,' where people can act willfully. If I have ever put my feet on the seat, I have removed my shoes first. I change my socks every day so I think that's okay.

lisat said:

I think every train should have a 'rude car,' where people can act willfully.

grin) grin) grin)

Tom_Reingold said:

I use the technique I learned from Ligeti right here on MOL. I pretend not to see the bag. I just sit right down. Before my ass hits the bag, they've whisked it away. No need to say anything.

I've always just said "Excuse me" and motioned with my head towards the seat. Bags have always been quickly removed.

I was frustrated last week when I took my oldest in to the city on the train that we couldn't find seats together. I understand it, but it was challenging. He was very anxious that we couldn't sit together. We managed to sit on in front of the other, but it was difficult for him.

The week before when I took my younger kids in to the city, people were pretty good about moving so we could sit together. For that I was grateful. One woman sitting alone in a four seater acted frustrated that we were interrupting her work by asking her to move her bag, and then was annoyed by our having quiet conversations about what we could see out the window. Oh well

mbaldwin said:

Tom_Reingold said:

I use the technique I learned from Ligeti right here on MOL. I pretend not to see the bag. I just sit right down. Before my ass hits the bag, they've whisked it away. No need to say anything.

I've always just said "Excuse me" and motioned with my head towards the seat. Bags have always been quickly removed.

I agree. I've never had a problem either way. I have often had my bag on the seat (especially when there's no bag hook on the seat in front of me) when I think the train won't be crowded, but inevitably someone comes and asks and I remove my bags without an incident.

I think to just park your butt defiantly without saying anything to the person is just as obnoxious as the ones who refuse or make a fuss when you do ask nicely. If they refuse, THEN park your butt -- but you've been polite and given them ample notice. And if they do make a face about it, put your big boy/girl pants on and ignore them. Who cares what their reaction is?

mumstheword said:

And if they do make a face about it, put your big boy/girl pants on and ignore them.

OR, take a picture of the moue and post it here. grin

mbaldwin said:

Tom_Reingold said:

I use the technique I learned from Ligeti right here on MOL. I pretend not to see the bag. I just sit right down. Before my ass hits the bag, they've whisked it away. No need to say anything.

I've always just said "Excuse me" and motioned with my head towards the seat. Bags have always been quickly removed.

yup. works 99.9% of the time. one time a lady told me she was "saving a seat" for a friend who was getting on the train after me and refused. only time someone has ever refused.

and I purposely go to those people even when there are other empty seats. why should they be rewarded for their rudeness with an empty seat next to them all the way to their destination?

This thread was front and center in my thoughts when I took this picture on the 5:43.

Looks like she might have her train slippers on.

A man put down his paper on the empty seat next to him and got off the train. I sat down in the seat he was sitting in. A couple stops later a woman asked me to move the paper so she could sit down. I said "sure" and put the paper under the seat. She then started to tell me how rude it is to put things on a seat next to you so other people can't sit. I said "yea it is and it would be nice if people were more considerate". She looked surprised by my answer.

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