Feedback on Dr. Steinberg (orthodontist) archived

We have a consultation appointment on Monday for my son. Any feedback would be appreciated. I heard it was a busy office, but I am wanting an orthodontist that is close by. Didn't know if there are long wait times that would offset being closer than Springfield. The other orthodontist I am looking at is Handsman.

Feel free to PM me.

Perfectly happy there. I have three daughters who have all needed different treatments.

We are happy there too and starting the 4th kid with him next week. The staff is very accommodating and they have free drinks in the waiting room! The kids check themselves in on a computer screen and I haven't found the waiting times bad at all.
Having the office so close is nice because at the beginning you have some 2-hour Appts and for those you could go home or go shopping and they'll call you when they are nearing completion.

Dr Steinberg uses a lot of newfangled technology when you go in for the first treatment consult (after you have decided to use him - unlike the first consult which is free, I believe). Remember when we were growing up and all you had was a plaster set of uppers and lowers? He has a computer model of your kid's mouth and can zoom in and rotate on any area. Then he shows you a video simulation of the teeth moving into place. Each of my kids so far has had a different issue - one needed a palate expander, one needs teeth pulled to make room, etc. He is very patient explaining why he recommends the treatment plan.

There maybe a hefty fee for him to get all the x-rays and analyze them and then meet with you to discuss treatment plans, but that money is applied to your total bill once treatment begins.

Are there other docs in Steinberg's practice now? Just wondering what his succession plan might be. (We used him more than a dozen years ago and he was pushing retirement age then.)

I think he is mid to late 60s. When he was sick he had two other docs, both of whom I liked, but for the past two years more or less its just been him.

I also never find the waiting times to be an issue,

Starting kid #3 there and I am pleased with the results and the process. I rarely go into the office, just drop and either do an errand (Trader Joe) or make calls from the parking lot. (Yes, I could go in for that, but I prefer not.) When the kid is done, he calls from his phone or from the office and comes out.

@SAC, I have no sense that he is planning to retire or is "pushing" retirement age. (What is retirement age these days?) He talks about how he loves his work, so that's good enough for me.

We've been very happy with him. I've had two kids go there. In one of them, Steinberg found a jaw problem that had to be fixed (not by him) before orthodontia could be started. The other two I consulted with did not notice. I know Steinberg was right because I saw it myself in the x-ray and had a radiologist confirm.

Another happy client of this practice....mine had no-cost consults with him from about 4 or 5, because of crowding. We returned there for orthodontia in late middle school, and were never disappointed.

Both my kids were treated by Dr. Steinberg. Great results.

Never a complaint with Dr. Steinberg.
And as busy as his office is, whenever I needed to have a consult with him he was always available.
He seems to really love his job and is up to date on all the newest techniques.
In fact, when the second child went to see him very late in his teens, Dr. S was implementing a new technique that would speed track 'older' patients so his hardware wasn't on nearly as long.

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