Farewell MOL! archived

Many of you have noticed my posting frequency has declined tremendously over the past three years or so. I know you've noticed because of the extraordinary number of personal messages and emails I get. Let's just say that people miss me on MOL, and leave it at that.

But after long and careful consideration, I've decided to hang up my keyboard. In the past few years, I've come to realize anything I post would be redundant. How can I add to what Herman Cain is out there saying in the GOP debates? I can't improve on Eric Cantor, or even Mitch McConnell, even if sometimes he looks like a robot who can't blink. And on MOL, there are others to pick up the conservative slack. How can I do better than pennboy2 or BabyJane? I'm humble enough to know that they're the jedi masters of conservative thought.

I've had great fun bantering with those bastions of liberalism like nohero, LOST, rastro, and jerseyjack. But like the scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz, I'll always miss tom the most.

see ya, MOL, enjoy life with the liberal herd, inside the SOMA bubble.


GOP Man,

Good Bye and Good Luck.

I've not had the opportunity to comment on your comments, but you gotta "love" that avatar of yours.

Having grown up in Jones County Mississippi where there are more Baptist Churches per capita than anywhere on the planet, it just scares the Be-Jesus out of me to see how the GOP is more and linked to "Christian" images...

I'm old enough to remember the crazy guys in the white sheets...

Just sayin'

By the way there are other "bubbles" some of them in spots as Red as Essex is Blue:


Best Regards,
Ron Carter
The Secret Garden @ 377
Peace, Love and Tolerance,
Now can't we just get along, agree to disagree and get some work done?

Bye drum....er, GOP Man

GOP Man, you can't vote yourself off the island. impossible.

I can't speak for the conservatives, but as one of the few centrists your take on things will be missed.

GOP_Man said:

Let's just say that people miss me on MOL, and leave it at that.

Oh no, with this grammar and wording, could GOP Man be Ligeti's anonymous screen name, or did GOP Man just get his inspiration from him?

Does this mean you can out yourself now? Please?

I want to have beers with you!!! Stat!!! oh oh

Dear Mr. GOP Man,
It is with deepest regret that I say farewell to you. You have been a bastion of Republican wisdom in this sea of liberalism. What will we do without your comments on the inane ramblings of those who yell for progressive change? Where shall we seek guidance when those nattering nabobs of negativity demand consideration for the middle and lower classes of this great American Society? How will we cope with those who feel underpaid and under represented? We will have to go on without you when we tell them that it's their own fault that they are not rich.
We will miss you. Fare thee well.

So are you posting as yourself now?

Now go have yourself a Guinness and thanks for the fun.

scully said:

So are you posting as yourself now?

Which one?

I'll miss you, too.

I'm confused. Wouldn't good-bye's be in virtual cafe. Or maybe soapbox if you were pissed at people? By putting it in blogs you are implying that you will continue to post.

I always love when people have to give an overdramatic goodbye on a message board. It always seems like a last ditch effort to get people to see things your way. I don't have any idea what your positions are because I haven't followed you but the dramatic goodbye just seems like a last ditch grab at attention.

That's rude! If you don't want to say goodbye then just don't...

GOP_Man said:

Many of you have noticed my posting frequency has declined tremendously over the past three years or so. I know you've noticed because of the extraordinary number of personal messages and emails I get. Let's just say that people miss me on MOL, and leave it at that.

At least there was no reference to all of Europe's support of his positions.

I'll miss you a lot. Stay!!!

I have a feeling this is a retirement like all old prize fighters retire - until the next fight.

no one has ever reported on

political affairs quite like GOPman.

so long until we meet again.

It is about time that you took your crypto-fascist capitalist-apologetic lap-dog commentaries off of this board. It is a good thing you never outed yourself or you would be one of the first lined up against the wall when the revolution comes.

And besides, you made me laugh up my coffee too many mornings.

mfpark said:

It is about time that you took your crypto-fascist capitalist-apologetic lap-dog commentaries off of this board. It is a good thing you never outed yourself or you would be one of the first lined up against the wall when the revolution comes.

And besides, you made me laugh up my coffee too many mornings.

Wow! I suggest anger management. question

mfpark said:

It is about time that you took your crypto-fascist capitalist-apologetic lap-dog commentaries off of this board. It is a good thing you never outed yourself or you would be one of the first lined up against the wall when the revolution comes.

And besides, you made me laugh up my coffee too many mornings.

That was funny

SlyFoxy1 said:

Wow! I suggest anger management. question

Now I laughed up my coffee!

Sly, sit down and pour yourself a cuppa. You need to get the neurons firing so you can have fun with the rest of us.

I think it's time to come out of retirement. I'm finding myself increasingly concerned with how our socialist president and his minions, and the nattering nabobs of the negative left are attacking the successful in our country. If I hear one more thing about the so-called "1%" or the so-called "99%," I'm going to throw up.

as a successful entrepreneur, I make a nice living, but I'm not rich. I think it's time to share with the litle people of MOL just how tough it is to get by on a measly $500 or $600K each year. The dry dock fees alone are killing me. Poor people have no idea what it's like.

Time to go back into retirement. Nothing you can say will outpace the stuff coming out of the GOP candidates this year. It is beyond even your wildest dreams.

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