Do you love your Catholic church?

Would anyone be willing to share their thoughts on the Catholic churches in our area? Do you belong to a parish that you love? 

We loved our church in Brooklyn (St. Boniface). The homilies are thoughtful and intelligent, the priests are open-minded, and parishioners are engaged. Since we moved to Maplewood, we have attended Mass at 12 Catholic churches (some of them multiple times) in the area. They were all lovely churches with very friendly communities, but our main complaint is that for the most part everyone just seems to be going through the motions. We are hoping to find a church where we can look forward to going to Mass every Sunday like we used to.

Relatedly, I’d also be interested to hear about your experiences with children’s religious education in your parish, as that is something we’ll need to start thinking about relatively soon.


We really do like St. Joe's (on Prospect, South of Springfield) - especially for young children and religious ed.  Check out a 9 AM Sunday (children's) mass sometime.  (Relatively) new Pastor Father Jim Worth has brought a youthful vibrancy and community union to the parish in general and the masses themselves.  But please, see for yourself!  Father Manolo and Deacon Florio are great as well.

Check out St. Francis in Glen Ridge (about 15-20 minute drive). It's an American National Catholic Church, so they don't follow the Vatican. It's a VERY open-minded place, open to absolutely everyone--our daughter was baptized there and in our baptism class there was a same sex couple with their two kids, no one batted an eye. I'm an athiest-raised-Catholic who finds the ritual comforting, and the masses I've been to there were really felt very special. It's in a tiny chapel and everyone seemed to know each other, greeting and hugging when they walked in. I don't know about religious Ed, but if we decide to do that for our kids I would absolutely go there if they offer it. It seemed to be very much actually in line with what Jesus taught--love each other, don't judge, etc rather than the bureaucracy and rules so many of us associate with the church. Good luck!

We are also a former St. Boniface family - we got married there and baptized our son there - so I can relate to the feeling that nothing compares. You really will not find a church exactly like it out here. That being said, you can definitely find aspects of it so it depends what you most valued there. For us it was the wonderful priests but also the music (I subbed in the choir at the Oratory for years). The only music that compares in this area is OLS and the Parish Choir that sings at the 11:00 Mass - St Joe's is very friendly and welcoming but the music is not like the Oratory's. We also found that you have to really get involved in some ministries before you feel at home, wherever it is. Happy to discuss more via PM!

I love St Francis in Glen Ridge too. The congregation is so welcoming, great homilies, and refreshingly welcoming to all. I found my church home!

A sister parish of St. Francis is the VERY Small Sacred Heart of Jesus ANCC.  Weekly Sunday Masses at 12:30 held in Grace United Methodist Church, 380 Kearny Avenue, Kearny (15 minutes from SO).  We currently have about 5 families. It's like the home Masses of the 70's.  Contemporary music on the piano (me!).  

You would not be interested in traveling to my other (RC) church in Manville.  But I stay because the Redemptorist priests are great homilists and the community (and 3 manual Allen organ with MIDI) is great.

Thank you so much, I really appreciate these insights!

Not sure what you mean about people going through the motions, but we've been membe sat St. Rose of Lima for many years and have raised our kids there. The outreach to the kids begins with pre-schoolers and a kids' liturgy at the 9AM Mass. There are vibrant youth programs that carry though high school. There are dozens of volunteers helping with all aspects of Parish life. Dozens of kids participate in Ministry as lectors and Altar Servers. Service opportunities are plentiful for kids and adults. Also, the Academy is a wonderful educational option. Not sure exactly what you need in a Church, so it's hard to say whether St. Rose will appeal to you, but the Church is full and the parishioners are active. Give it a shot!

I too, am a St. Francis ANCC member...we used to go to St. Joe's but found this church to be more in line with our views.  BTW they do have religious education for your children...nice small classes with lots of hands on service to the community.

Have you sat in on a service at one of our local Episcopal churches? St. Stephen's in Millburn has a great social action spirit, St. George's in Maplewood is welcoming, and St. Andrew's and Holy Communion in South Orange has a wonderful warm priest. St. Stephen's and St. Andrew's are lead by women. The liturgies are very similar.

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