Contractor recommendations

I think there should be a choice in the MOL menu outside of DIY, maybe for something like  'Recommended Contractors', which should include not only contractors that we do recommend, but also contractors that we do not recommend. I always go to MOL to help me with decisions about who to hire to fix and maintain my old house, and I know that I'm not the only one. We all have old houses in this area. I think it's so important to share experiences, recommendations, and bad reviews as well. I would like to see a menu choice for this; so many of the discussions in DIY are really about not what I can do on my own, but who can I hire to do it for me... Just a thought... Does anyone agree?

I think MOLers would love it, but could negative reviews create legal liability for the site? 

Will think about this - it's always a very tricky area - many business will pretend to be someone else to promote themselves and also bash competition.  Then I will get phone calls from businesses explaining to me who the people are and why I should remove a post.  grin  

The search works pretty good for recommendations.

(Also - if you have an idea - please only post it in one spot - not 3.)

jamie said:
The search works pretty good for recommendations.
(Also - if you have an idea - please only post it in one spot - not 3.)

I personally do not think the search feature works well for recommendations. I find that I often have to play with the settings ("search for all words" vs "search for any work" etc) and then I still feel I do not find everything. I am not sure which search technology is used.

I do have a suggestion to your last point though. It won't solve all issues mentioned, but as a start, maybe we could have one and only one discussion for "Recommendations", and maybe a mechanism/protocol for (re-)moving/flagging any recommendation posts to other discussions?

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