Commuter Parking

Hi, I am wondering if anyone knows what the status is around parking in permit spots? It seems the town allows anyone to buy a commuter parking pass, but I tend to go into NYC later in the am and don't want to spend the money if I won't be able to get a spot. Any help is much appreciated!

I think after 9am or 10 am you can park.. I am surprised the town did not give any rebate for 2019 as most of us did not use the parking pass after March 11. And the same 275 fee applies for this year. Wish the fee could be lower to compensate for not using the pass for almost 9 months .

et2811 said:

Hi, I am wondering if anyone knows what the status is around parking in permit spots? It seems the town allows anyone to buy a commuter parking pass, but I tend to go into NYC later in the am and don't want to spend the money if I won't be able to get a spot. Any help is much appreciated!

 I assume you are talking about permit parking near the Maplewood train station.  To obtain a parking permit, you need to be a Maplewood resident and apply to the town clerk's office.  From what I can see in my walks about town, the number of permit parking spots at this point in time is quite a bit more than the number of commuters parking in the spaces.  As was posted above, anyone can park for free in these spots after a certain time.  Parking in such a spot during permit hours without a permit will get you a ticket.  As things relax later in the year and more commuters return to work in the city, these spaces will become harder to get even if you have  permit.  I would suggest calling the town clerk's office, telling them how early you leave in the morning, and asking their advice.

et2811 said:

Hi, I am wondering if anyone knows what the status is around parking in permit spots? It seems the town allows anyone to buy a commuter parking pass, but I tend to go into NYC later in the am and don't want to spend the money if I won't be able to get a spot. Any help is much appreciated!

There are 4 NJ Transit lots available for free parking after 9:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m. or 12 noon depending on the lot. You can check here for the specifics:

Yes, I am talking about the paid spots where you need a permit to park. I'm a Maplewood resident and it was never a consideration to buy one since they all pretty much filled up prior to 9am, just wondering what things are like now about 8:30 or 9 if anyone knows. Thanks again. 

et2811 said:

Yes, I am talking about the paid spots where you need a permit to park. I'm a Maplewood resident and it was never a consideration to buy one since they all pretty much filled up prior to 9am, just wondering what things are like now about 8:30 or 9 if anyone knows. Thanks again. 

 I have been dropping my husband off at the train about once a week between 8-9am.  On the park side of the train station, there are spots available.  

Thank you for the info!

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