Cliven Bundy ranch

Is this really about endangered tortoises, or lucrative fracking leases?

Unless something dramatic has changed in the past few years, I believe there's near-zero shale oil/gas under Nevada.

It's about a cheapskate who hasn't paid to graze his cattle in over 20 years. Also, some turtles.

I don't know if this involves his land.

Didn't know that. Anyhow, he's just outside Vegas (300 miles from Elko County).

Here we go again.  Like father, like son.

Which is exactly why they shouldn't have let the father get away with it. They walked away and it set a very bad precedent.

I do understand being upset about the sentence being changed after the trial is done, but you go about protesting it in a different way above the law. Once you illegally take land and allegedly make threats to shoot the Feds (allegedly because the claim is still disputed at this point) you basically become terrorists and nothing more. I hope the government doesn't back down again, or else this will happen again and again.  

These people are laying in wait for something like this (sentence change / reversal) to justify their actions.  They are American Jihadis and should be treated as such.  It was a HUGE mistake for the administration to stand down the first time.  They should have been overwhelmed with firepower and forced to surrender and go to jail or killed on the spot.  Imagine if the Black Lives Matter movement were to arm themselves and do something similar.  

Now that his kooky army is tied up in Oregon, the Feds should seize those cattle in Nevada.

We can thank the feckless Obama admin for empowering these sick nuts. Even the Pentagon generals do what they want, obstructing the administration.

In the Bundy case, government officials were trying to round up the family's cattle in the spring of 2014 in response to years of  federal land grazing fees that went unpaid by the Bundy family. But things suddenly turned toward violent. Armed protesters that caught government officials off guard tried to prevent the cattle round up, resulting in a tense days-long standoff and the government's eventual release of the cattle. The government has yet to press charges of any kind on Bundy or try again to collect the cattle or grazing fees, and a report says the standoff has invigorated anti-government groups.

Utterly brilliant approach by the Obama admin.  

And +1 on the last three posts.

They are American Jihadis. The Middle Eastern ones get 75 virgins. These guys get 75 cousins.

For what its worth, I've been participating in some of the online threads about this and it is massively (and sometimes very humorously) against these yahoos, and not just from liberal types.  In normal times, that would go without saying, but in the age of Trump, who knows.  

RobB said:

Now that his kooky army is tied up in Oregon, the Feds should seize those cattle in Nevada.

+1 Absolutely   

BTW, my nutjob email chain is all over this and telling people that Obama ordered the Hammond ranch destroyed.   Evidently there are news sources out there that make Fox News look like The New York Times. 

The crazy ideas that propagate among people like this is truly astonishing.   One of the few pro-nut posters said its unconstitutional to prevent someone from grazing their animals on fed grass land unless its a national park.  I asked them to cite the relevant constitutional provision, because I recall nothing in the Constitution about cows and national parks didnt exist when the doc was written.    I'm still waiting.

I'm guessing these rancher guys got this twisted self-serving idea from the village green concept, which mostly had legal significance in old Europe.   If you can find a town in the U.S. that has a village green that by law allows you to graze your cows, god bless you.   But the entire grassland of the U.S. is not presumptively yours to graze on as you please.   


Can't I still take Flossie to Ricalton Square? I will walk her on the sidewalk so as not to interfere with the people making u-turns on Maplewood Avenue to get into the open parking spots.

Funny how a large group of white, angry men carrying rifles and threatening the police with violence if "necessary" don't seem like a threat to the police. Mind boggling.

I'm just impressed that so many guys have managed to become independently wealthy under "Obama's economy."

It's that or they're on the dole.

Dang. Now I can't visit some snowy remote outpost in Oregon. These guys know how to strike where it hurts.

Best approach: ignore the idiots. Let them live as free men. They'll cave when the beef jerky runs out.

One word… WACO. (And we saw the results and aftermath.)

phenixrising said:

One word… WACO. (And we saw the results and aftermath.)

In Waco I think they really did have enough supplies to last years. 

These kooks only have what they carried in over the weekend. Close the road, cut the power and blast AC/DC at random times throughout the day and night. When they come out, charge them all with sedition and whip their gun licenses.

Right now Donald Trump is trying to decide whether to come out in support of these guys or say that if he were President he would drop a bomb on them.

These types will never go away as they constantly feel threatened by the gov't and constantly feel put upon by their fellow man. Yet they can gather freely, purchase guns, talk mad ish on nat'l tv and take over a federal building at will. Only in America kids. Only in America. 

Can't we just tell a few Ferguson cops that there is a bunch of unarmed black guys on the property?


You beat me to the punch.  Humor works.  There should be a concerted effort to get "Ya'll Qaeda" and "Vanilla ISIS" into common usage.

These guys want to feel persecuted by the big, bad government, particularly when the Chief Executive is a black guy. Ignore them, and they will go away, upset that the Feds didn't give them what they want: an armed altercation to start the Second American Revolution.

bettyd said:
These guys want to feel persecuted by the big, bad government, particularly when the Chief Executive is a black guy. Ignore them, and they will go away, upset that the Feds didn't give them what they want: an armed altercation to start the Second American Revolution.

And how will they feel when there is a woman President?

And if Trump or Cruz is President I'll bet they will feel like either will have their back. 

So some people take over some land and declare themselves the authority. That makes them a de facto government. So now someone else can do the same to them, no?

I just read that sympathetic townspeople are bringing them chili to feast on.  Apparently it is a very small government office they are occupying.  Can you imagine the flatulence being generated by these tubby, gun loving  losers?!  Just leave them be and their own stench will eventually drive them out. 

RobB said:
phenixrising said:

One word… WACO. (And we saw the results and aftermath.)

In Waco I think they really did have enough supplies to last years. 

These kooks only have what they carried in over the weekend. Close the road, cut the power and blast AC/DC at random times throughout the day and night. When they come out, charge them all with sedition and whip their gun licenses.

Yup, these fools didn't plan to well.

Oregon ‘terrorists’ don’t plan siege very well, put out plea for snacks and supplies

The comments after the call for snacks on twitter are hilarious!

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