CHS A Capella group The Unaccompanied Minors performs with The Maplewood Glee Club Saturday 4/30

Come join us for a great night of music at The Maplewood Glee Club's Annual Spring Concert.

We have two sets--some Ray Charles, Billy Joel, Broadway and more.  And we realize we're not the favorite act of the evening when we host our friends from Columbia HS!

Two amazing sets--one from their award winning a Capella group The Unaccompanied Minors.  Another set from one of their own who won our annual scholarship competition Isaiah Thomas ( Isaiah played The Beast in this year's CHS Musical and leads each subsequent year).

We'll even feed you afterwards!  Come join us for a GREAT night of music!

4/30/16 Saturday at 8PM at Prospect Presbyterian Church

The CHS kids performed the National Anthem last night at the NY Red Bulls game--will post a video when available--was fantastic!

Plus our scholarship winner is performing his own set--he's from CHS and is worth the price of admission alone.

Watch the Unaccompanied Minors here (Fast-forward to 1:15) singing the National Anthem at this past weekend's NY Red Bulls match

Where are the clips of the Glee Club performing?  They are well worth the price of admission, even without touting the guest appearances.

Come join us tonight--a great night of music

Wonderful concert!  Thank you so much to the Maplewood Men's Glee Club for making it all possible.

What Joan said!  That was a fabulous night of entertainment.  Thanks!

That was an amazing night and crowd!  And the choir that backed up Isaiah Thomas our scholarship winner agreed to join us for a set at an upcoming concert--they blew the roof off the place.

Like us on Facebook for updated concert info (12/3/16).  Thanks for all that attended!

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