cat rescue to take a possibly pregnant cat

A cat appeared on my block about a month ago. I have finally got it to the point it will come to me. I think I can grab it and get it to a vet. But no one can keep it (pregnant or not). Assuming it is not microchipped and the previous owner isn't looking for it, I will need to bring it some where to be homed. I'd rather bring it to a cat rescue rather than a shelter....any suggestions?

If you live in Maplewood, I encourage you to call St. Hubert's and have them pick the cat up. The town is paying about $70,000/year for this service. I believe St. Hubert's will do the right thing by this cat. The fact that the cat came up to you suggests that she may not be feral and therefore may be adoptable. Her kittens, if she is indeed pregnant, will certainly be adoptable.

Agree with Elle_Cee and if you live in South Orange you should call People for Animals who is administering our TNR. We still have no contract with a shelter.

Furry Hearts has moved out of our area and has no fosters, and my rescue depends on fosters as we have no building. That said if you can foster her I can put her on Petfinder and take her to adoption days. If she is pregnant and you can wait till the kittens are born, same thing. Unlike Maplewood, South Orange limits the number of animals we can have so rescues can't really function here.

It took a few weeks to get it to come to me. I was able to pick it up 2 days in a row, but by the time I found it tonight, it was too late to get it to a vet.

My main concern with shelters is that I have heard that they put down cats that are FIV+ and we don't know this cats status.

I can't keep it. I already have one that doesn't like other animals .

The stomach feels like it could be fluid filled like in a pregnancy..but I can't be sure. I have only seen it in the dark.

jmitw said:

It took a few weeks to get it to come to me. I was able to pick it up 2 days in a row, but by the time I found it tonight, it was too late to get it to a vet.

My main concern with shelters is that I have heard that they put down cats that are FIV+ and we don't know this cats status.

I can't keep it. I already have one that doesn't like other animals .

The stomach feels like it could be fluid filled like in a pregnancy..but I can't be sure. I have only seen it in the dark.

PM me and tell me what town you are in so we can figure the best route.

I got an email from a rescue..they are going to have someone call this point the immediate plan is to grab it asap and board it at the vet while we figure it out.

I called St. Hubert's just now and asked the question. The representative emphatically answered that no, they do not euthanize FIV cats as a matter of course and in fact, they just adopted out a cat with FIV last night. As long as the cat does not have underlying severe health issues as a result of the FIV, other illness, or severe behavioral issues, they will attempt to adopt out the cat.

Elle_Cee said:

I called St. Hubert's just now and asked the question. The representative emphatically answered that no, they do not euthanize FIV cats as a matter of course and in fact, they just adopted out a cat with FIV last night. As long as the cat does not have underlying severe health issues as a result of the FIV, other illness, or severe behavioral issues, they will attempt to adopt out the cat.

They are quite good. They have open cat rooms. Lots of traffic. With rescues we can only take a cat to adoption day once a week. Some hate going and don't show well. The kittens grow so fast that at the weekly rate they become hard to adopt after a few Saturdays. At St. Hubert's they have constant traffic. Wish we had one in every town.

I was helping PFA at an event there and the manager of St. Hubert's offered to take 2 of the FIVs. I wish they were closer, I would be there every week.

good to know...couldn't find it today...will try again does only seem to come out at night. there is a feral community on the block..and a crawl space under a building cats hang out in...i assume it finds shelter..

Just chiming in to wish you good luck. You are a good egg to be taking care of this fur baby. I don't know whether it is common for cats to give birth in winter. Isn't spring the usual time to give birth? But I would worry a lot about kittens born in such chilly weather.

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