Cat - bumps above right eye? archived

Noticed this evening, above Pilchard's right eye, several raised bumps. I think this is in the area of their marking glands (?). Its barely noticable in the photo.

Googling didn't yield anything. Is this something she should see the vet for or can I treat her at home -- should I wash this area or put antibiotic cream on it?

When I try to lightly touch the area to move the fur aside, its clearly sensitive.

Thanks for the help.

Indoors only, we're a 2 cat house though

I 'd watch what happens and call the vet in a day or three, I think. Hard bumps, soft bumps?

Madamme Pilcharde is a dolly, bumps or no bumps.

I would wimpe the area with a wound cleansing antiseptic wipe like the ones in first aid kits. just dont get anything in the eye and then leave it alone and see what happens over the next few days.

In that spot above the eye -- isn't there a gland (maybe that's not the correct term for it) -- where they excrete for marking? Today her eye is teary, too. I'm worried -- it clearly bothers her -- even when I try to get close with the camera or my hand she pulls back. That's not like her at all. I called and got a vet appt for Thursday.

I wish I knew what i could do for her to give her pain relief -- warm compress? ice?

Is she pawing or scratching at it? Has it affected her appetite? Sounds like it might be an allergic thing if it's affecting the eye itself too. A warm compress probably wouldn't hurt if you can get her to sit still for it, but it may not help much either. If you can get her into the vet sooner, that would be good, though it doesn't sound like it warrants a trip to the emergency vet.

Shes pretty clingy -- but then I was away for about a week, so I don't want to attribute that behavior to this. Her appetite -- this cat ALWAYS has an appetite!

She has dark grey fur, so when she's looking at you -- it looks like she has a white bump above her eye, then when you look more closely, its a couple of bumps. I know from other cats, they hide their illnesses so well. And the fact that she's purring -- may just as well be self comforting as a response to being social.

When I google "bumps above cat's eye" -- I get masthead tumors, I sure hope that's not it.

musicmz said:

Kitty acne?

That was my first thought too, but I've never heard of it happening above the eye, just on the chin and occasionally the "cheeks." peteglider's description does sound like cat acne, though.

I would think allergic reaction to something she got on there. I dont think any gland is in that particular spot.

I've seen kitty acne on backs and tummies as well as chins. I guess eyelids are conceivable, but you need to take kitty to be looked at by a vet.

I can't see the photo (on mobile)

Pixi, they do have scent glands in the forehead as well as the cheeks, so I wouldn't rule that out. Those glands are what it's about when they "head butt" their favorite people.

How is she today, Pete? If she doesn't improve soon, I'd take her to the vet. She could have gotten a scratch during play with your other kitty, but it would be good to be sure.

sebaceous glands cysts...maybe?

Peggy from what I know cats facial scent glands are located on the chin, corners of the lips, temples and at the base of the tail but not above the eye.

A quick Google said otherwise. smile

Our kitty gets these every once in awhile. Same thing-looks like a small patch of hair is missing when you look at her from further away but they are actually little white bumps and very sensitive to the touch. She is a big head rubber-she rubs her head up against everything! We always assumed it was similar to acne. They always go away on their own after a few days and don't seem to bother her except when we would go near it.

My cat's illness (very , very serious) began with bumps above her eye. Please get it checked, I am not trying to alarm you, but best safe than sorry.

PeggyC said:

A quick Google said otherwise. smile

I was trying to find the exact locations but I cant find it anywhere. Would you be so kind and direct me to it. I like to keep stuff like that saved. I only find temple references but nothing about above above the eye.

Thanks PeggyC. It would really be helpful to kkep it in my folder.

Check the subsection about "bunting."

Although the one immediately above is about "chinning," it also mentions the glands in the forehead.

Also mentions forehead...

FWIW, I just typed "cat scent gland forehead" into the search box at the top of my browser, then skimmed the resulting links.

So -- it looks like a follicular cyst. Given its location, aspiration would require general anesthesia. So for now watch it. Miss Pilchard showed her extreme displeasure from the moment she caught glimpse of the cat carrier and went under the bed. Then yowling, literally, for the 6 minute ride to the vet.

Thanks all for the help. /p

peteglider said:

So -- it looks like a follicular cyst. Given its location, aspiration would require general anesthesia. So for now watch it. Miss Pilchard showed her extreme displeasure from the moment she caught glimpse of the cat carrier and went under the bed. Then yowling, literally, for the 6 minute ride to the vet.

Thanks all for the help. /p

Those little cysts are usually minor and cosmetic, so that's good news. Very glad it's nothing more than that.

One of my cats is carrier-averse too--he can actually hear me taking the carrier out of the closet, even though it's soft-sided and doesn't make any noise--so I can sympathize.

oh good...that sound like an uncomfortable yet easy problem. I was wondering if it could have to do with the feeler hair ( the thick ones) and be almost like an ingrown one.

For what its worth my dog Hootie was at the vet today and I asked where the glands on cats are located..chin, corners of the lips and forhead but the forehead ones are located near the temple region and not by the eye. I had no idea they had them up there but its good to know since it seems that some cats do seem to have a problem with them getting clogged.

did the vet say there is anything that should or could be done at home?

So, Pete, how goes it with Pilchard?

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