Car Seats - What To Do With Them?

I have two used, but in good condition car seats that I'd like to donate, but I have been told that agencies won't take car seats (which I kind of get).  Anybody need car seats or should I hope they are made of recycleable material?

Check the expiration date. If they still have some time on the clock, try the Facebook swap thingee.

I forget the life span of car seats...i had looked it up once..maybe 10 years at the most...the other concern is not knowing the history...if they were involved in a car accident, it is generally recommended that they be replaced...and you wouldn't know the history if you buy it 2nd that is what places won't take them...

you can see if the people at 1-800-got junk will tell you if they can be recycled...but they charge a lot to pick them up themselves...but you might just be able to inquire if that is something they could recycle (and just say you will be scheduling a junk pick up at a later date--even if you're not)

or you can do what we did...turned them into doll toys...

People will take expired ones to use at the toys r us trade in event  .  

Car seat expiration dates vary by manufacturer. We had one that was 5 and one that was 7. As mentioned, the BRU trade-in event is a good option if expired. 

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