BTC Impregnates 100K

I am not a financial planner nor am I in any way giving financial advice — nor should anyone blindly follow my uninformed financial musings in any way shape or form.  Do your own research like I did back in 2017.  Had I listened to all the self proclaimed Warren Buffets back then, I’d still have a mortgage.

There’s only a million unmined btc left. Basic supply and demand principles will take over eventually. I am in no way a finial planner. 

Be sure and take some profits if you’ve held some coins for a long time. Dollar cost averaging for purchases, yes. It also works when selling little bits of your holdings. One rarely catches the top. 

At this point only Gold, AAPL, NVDA, MSFT, AMZN and GOOG are larger “ponzi schemes”. 

BarneyGumble said:

At this point only Gold, AAPL, NVDA, MSFT, AMZN and GOOG are larger “ponzi schemes”.

Speculative bubbles and Ponzi schemes are different things. I haven’t seen or heard anyone call Bitcoin a Ponzi scheme.

BarneyGumble said:

thanks for the tip.

You’re welcome, but it wasn’t a tip, which is a thing you obviously don’t need.

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