Best coffeemaker at best price? archived

I've been using a Melitta lo, these many years, and before that a French press. Now I need something that can be auto-programmed. Any suggestions? Price and quality both matter!

Cuisinart, for a real good cup +/- $75.00 got ours a few years ago at Costco for $65.00, but really like it alot.

A good cup of coffee is important to us as well. I've been grinding beans daily with a Burr grinder for years because it makes a difference. As for our machine we've been using a Cuisinart for many years now and have been quite satisfied with its performance. Hands down its been the best coffee maker that we've owned and its not a lot of money. I think you can pick one up around $70 at Costco.

However in the last week I finally broke down after a few years and we just purchased a Keurig coffee maker, which makes coffee one cup at a time. I did it for several reasons: No need to clean a coffee pot (and you don't have to look at it sitting in the sink if you don't clean it right away). Less chance of wasting coffee left in the pot that you don't drink, the coffee pot doesn't stay hot for hours wasting electrcity, you can change what you're drinking after one cup, not after an entire pot, etc. So far I have to say that we're very happy with the machine's performance. Costco hands down had the lowest price at $130, and it included 90 K-cups, the single serve coffee cups you can buy with the system. Here's one good note about the Keurig and I wouldn't have purchased it if you couldn't do this. It has a reusable permanent filter so you can use whatever coffee you like in it. I had purchased a Senseo in the past, and after I went through the coffee pads that came with it, we pretty much stopped using it because the coffee selection they had was not good and WAY overpriced. The Keurig allows you to use your own, in addition to the pre-made disposable cups. In addition the Keurig has over 200 brands of coffee that are offered in the K-cups.

So we are keeping the Cuisinart for larger gatherings. Daily use has switched to the Keurig and we haven't looked back!

latest issue of Consumer Reports rated coffee makers

#1 Cuisinart Brew Central DCC 1200, $100
#2 Michael Graves 40303, $40 (wouldn't that be Target?)

there are a total of 8 that were rated the tops for "brew performance" -- which is probably the most important thing in a coffee maker -- and there are a bunch of duds to avoid -- I'm guessing this issue is on the newsstands, would for sure be in the library


Thanks guys!! This is great!

We have the Cuisinart with the integrated grinder and love it. It's obviously pricier than the Cuisinart without the grinder but well worth it for us. It helps to eliminate another counter appliance if you like to grind your own beans.You can brew coffee by using either whole beans in the grinder or putting pre-ground in the basket.

A French press will run about $20 and make better coffee than a machine.

Posted By: daveA French press will run about $20 and make better coffee than a machine.

True, we use a filtered lucite version of a French press. Wonderful, or so I'm told, since I'm a tea drinker.

Fishy has a terrific machine at the store. I believe it's under $1000. It looks like a 1st cousin to Tau, but in stainless steel. Maybe he'll run an Xmas special.

We have the all-in-one Cuisinart with the insulated pot so that the coffee doesn't burn once it's brewed. We love it but it is a PIA to wash the grinder out every night but it's great to wake up to freshly ground/brewed coffee.
This came up awhile ago and I remember there were several people who complained about it but it works for us.

I tried the french press. Lots of trouble to clean up, and I had to be careful not to drink the dreggy bottom. A mouthful of mud isn't all that pleasant.

hey, ctr!
I've got the older model.

We switched to the Keurig single cup brew system.

Between the stores, home and the shore home we have 4 and we are not looking back.

Kitchen Ala Mode sells them and you can find over 165 brands, styles or flavors at or



A french press for coffee is like a Harley for riding. Lot's of nostalgia, but about 100 years outdated.

As a programmable coffee maker we have this: [url][/url]. Not sure why it got these bad reviews, we love it. A thermal caraffe beats constant heating anytime. But then, it's out of production anyway.

Once I started working from home, I really wanted to be able to make a cup at a time fresh without a lot of hassle, and got myself one of these: [url][/ur] It's the *****z.

Sounds like you need a better grinder. If the size of the grounds is too varied that's what happens.

Using a machine to make coffee is like using a microwave to cook.

You do need a course grind for a french press. But it is my favorite way to make coffee. With a course grind I do not get sludge at the bottom. I actually find it the easiest to clean. No sitting reservoir for water, no interior areas that are hard to get to. I hand watch the plunger but the outside goes in the dishwasher.

db - If it walked I'd have it follow me to work. :thumbup:

I would love a thermal carafe, hate the taste of burned coffee. And Dave, the second they make an auto-programmable french press, I am on it.

The thermal carafe is a must-have in my book.

Posted By: jgberkeleyWe switched to the Keurig single cup brew system.

I just ordered this for my boyfriend for Christmas. I hope he likes it!

My SIL has been in Paris for almost 30 years. She and her French husband (and their French kids) switched to Capresso about 6 years ago. She delights in literally tossing the color-coded capsules onto the table at the end of a dinner party. The dinner guests all scramble to find their favorite color (flavor) and her husband then takes them to the kitchen to brew a separate cup for everyone!

Nahhhh, my Capresso grinds whatever I put in it. It is a Superautomatic...meaning, it grinds, tamps and brews espresso. You can set the strength to make it more of a Cafe American but I like it pretty strong and black. (Though sugar is my weakness.)

I got the least expensive model about 5 years ago, it cost about $700. Fishy sells a newer version that is way more streamlined looking but not much more. Mine is not programmable, (to start automatically) but only takes a few seconds to brew the first cup and stays on and ready for 2 hours (or what you set).

I don't get the pod thing. So much plastic waste, though if you have two coffee drinkers that like different flavors it could be helpful, but Mr. Shh and I like the same coffee, but sometimes he sets it weaker.

I'm thinking under $100....

Ok, then the Capresso Super Automatic is not for you.

I have a keurig too and I LOVE it.
quick question: does anyone know if KALM carries the K cups? I'd love to buy them there...

I have the Illy tech come and calibrate the grinder at work every 2 months. The self grinders/brewers at home are expensive, but how do you get them calibrated? And they will need it. The grinding wheels come out of tolerance with use. The Spice/coffee grinders are worthless for coffee, but grind dry bayleaf very well. If you are that fanatical about fresh coffee, grind your PEETs at Whole foods. I am a coffee fanatic and swear by Costco's 3 pounder. The less expensive coffee maker the better. The heating elements attract minerals over time and really make your coffee start to bite after a few years

KLAM does not sell k-cups. EG does, so does Kings but the best place to get them is or Buy enough, 8 boxes I think, and the shipping is free.

DeborahG. KLAM sells the Keurig, stop in and have him demo it for you. If he is out of k-cups let me know and I will drop off a few for you, say a nich cocoa for the munchkin, then a french vallilla, and even a dunkin blend for you Go to to see all the units.

I love the fact that flavors do not mix, you can get teas, and that I have next to nothing to clean. All that and you can get the cup price down to $.50 per cup.

What say you?


Since I like the coffee fresh ground, I am not sure it it will work for me. But I am coming around to the the idea of the single (big thermal) cup coffeemaker. I am the only coffee drinker around here, although I drink at least 2 cups most mornings (work at home, after all)....

Just saw this one on sale for $99:

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