Anyone woken at 4am today?

weird, I thought I was woken by a plane taking off in my backyard, lol. No ambien or any sleep aids taken. Even more weird my child who sleeps they everything woke up at 4am too... anyone else hear anything around that time today (weds)??

My son woke up at 4am this morning. I didn't think anything of it at the time, but now I'm curious if there was an outside cause?

My daughter woke up at 4, too. 

I heard something too and it sounded almost like a truck idling, then it seemed the idling got louder, then softer and it went on for about an hour from what I can tell because I couldn't go back to sleep as I was wondering what was making that noise.  I was so curious I almost went outside to check but then thought better of it.  Hope someone has the answer as now I know I am not the only one who was woken up. 

Thanks for posting !

I did not know there was a four in the morning.  What does it look like?

Dark and normally VERY quiet.  And given I’d only rolled in from work at about 3-330, I wasn’t fully out and did also hear something rather odd. No clue what it was but seemed like it was right outside my house (it wasn’t). 

ellenlynn said:

I heard something too and it sounded almost like a truck idling, then it seemed the idling got louder, then softer and it went on for about an hour from what I can tell because I couldn't go back to sleep as I was wondering what was making that noise.  

I live near downtown South Orange and I sometimes hear noises like that from the direction of the train tracks late at night. Maybe they run heavy testing or maintenance equipment along the tracks at night when there's little traffic. It's much louder than regular trains, which I don't hear at all (or maybe I'm just used to them). 

The weird thing was that it sounded like it was right outside my house.  Only in the back though as I checked out the front window to see if it was coming from the street.  When I walked to the front of inside  my  house it basically became non existent.  I know sounds carry and sometimes when it is really cold out I can hear the train toot its horn.  

It's the FBI and the Deep State working their redaction machines.

or whatever happened in the Cuban embassy and we'll all get concussions...

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