Anyone want to sell their kids used baseball glove?

Hi, My 6 year old lost his baseball glove and we still have a couple games. Anyone have an old glove we can buy? I don't want to buy a new glove until next season.

Try adoption first.

(Without the apostrophe there are ambiguities with your headline that are most disconcerting.)


There are many baseball gloves available on E bay in the 5 to 10 dollar range. Nicer gloves than I ever had as a kid. Did not know if your little guy is a lefty or righty or for that matter what size is best for him

Most promise delivery within a few days and advertise that they make no profit on postage.

Might be worth taking a look at them. Be sure to specify used.

Would the recreation department or league which sponsors the games have some extra equipment your child can borrow for the remaining games in the season?

Podpeople, I sent a message.


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