About the decline in stock prices ....

It is blamed on the machers getting clear that Gropenfuhrer is not going to be able to hand them a basket of Christmas goodies. It took them this long to figure this out and all this decline in stock prices in one day, based on that premise?

Other theories on what caused the decline?

Anyone who tries to "explain" day to day stock movements or make judgement based on a short time frame is a fool.

On a percentage basis yesterday was nothing to get excited about.

Gilgul is right, and I like your theory, jerseyjack.

A bit harsh, but correct. It's all noise. Set your allocation, make your plan, and don't dwell on day-to-day or even month-to-month movements. 

Gilgul said:

Anyone who tries to "explain" day to day stock movements or make judgement based on a short time frame is a fool.

On a percentage basis yesterday was nothing to get excited about.

If stock prices continue to decline (and with the White House sh*t show going on right now, that is a strong possibility) I might pull some cash out of savings to buy more shares of mutual funds.  Other than that, I'm not going to do much of anything.  I weathered 2007-2008 just fine, I see no reason for panic now.  I have 20 years until I reach retirement age, and 10 years until I have to worry about college bills, so there is time for everything to rebound.

Well, the stock prices climbed back up. I guess that means the Office of Special Counsel is gonna investigate Flynn but not Trump. Stock prices went back up so Trump must be safe.

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