Why Vote: A Conversation for the Next Generation

Event Date: October 9th, 2020 at 3:00pm
Address : Maplewood, NJ, USA
Town : Maplewood

For many young people, this may be your first election, and for others, you may be having conversations with friends and family of age to vote. Whether or not you are of voting age, it is important to understand the history of voting in the U.S. and what your vote means. Join law professor Frank Deale for a quick history on voting and voting rights, but more importantly, for an open conversation to answer your burning questions about voting.

Registration Required: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIuceusrDojHtGkpzNtGzXPyHGpbybSrLRR

This program is geared towards teens & young adults and brought to you in collaboration between the Maplewood Memorial Library & the South Orange Public Library

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