Tot Shabbat "Getting Ready for Hanukkah" @ TBA

Event Date: November 22nd, 2013 at 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Address : 300 E Northfield Road Livingsotn, NJ
Town : Livingston
Contact :

Throughout the year, preschoolers ( toddlers to five year olds) and their parents are encouraged to join us for a lively Tot Shabbat service. Led by our rabbi and cantor, we welcome Shabbat with singing, clapping, stories and celebration! Tot Shabbat is usually followed by a pizza dinner. On Friday, November 22, 6:00 PM join us for Tot Shabbat and then in prepartion for the holiday of Hanukkah at 6:30 PM there will be a Lighting of Hanukiyot ( Hanukkah menorah). Bring your menorah from home and we will supply the candles. Following the lighting, pizza dinner will be served. Free and open to the community. To register calll 973-994-7016 or e-mail Visit

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