Performers Theatre Workshop Mid-Winter Showcase

Event Date: November 11th, 2013 at 8:00pm - 10:00pm
Address : 1 Pierson Rd.
Town : Maplewood

Every year, we begin registration for our Mid-Winter semester in mid October/early November, which gives us enough time to plan and construct the schedule of classes and show rehearsals in time to get you the final schedule by mid-December. During our Mid-Winter semester, which runs from the middle of December to early February, we often offer classes and learning opportunities that are different than what we offer in our Fall and Spring semesters, and these classes round out the students’ experiences. These offerings give students an opportunity to take their performing to the next level and try new things! 1) Mid-Winter Broadway Showcase at Don’t Tell Mama cabaret in NYC (ages 6-8, 9-12 and 13-18) is a great chance for students to use the skills they developed during the Fall semester and hone/polish performances of new songs for the NYC shows. We invite agents, managers and casting directors to see the Broadway Showcase (and a number of our students have been signed with agents and/or managers as a result of being seen in our Broadway Showcase), but really the focus is building skills and giving students the tools to bring their performances to the next level. This year we will be doing two sets of Broadway Showcase shows, one show with numbers featuring the 6-8 year olds and numbers featuring the 9-12 year olds, and another show for the 13-18 year olds. Eligibility is based on audition or recommendation by one of PTW’s directors or musical directors. See detailed info attached. 2) PTWGlee(ages8-12):These classes include lots of training in vocals,harmonies,pop/rock phrasing and combining singing with dance moves. These classes give students a chance to sing songs from the TV show “Glee” and include cool dance steps for the up-tempo rock/pop songs. Eligibility is based on audition or recommendation by one of PTW’s directors or musical directors. This class will perform at Don’t Tell Mama in NYC in February with the Broadway Showcases. 3) BalletTechnique(ages10-19):In this exciting PTW masterclass,theater professional,JordanFifeHunt,will hone your skills in a dance class geared toward the performer who is looking to improve their overall technical ability. Classical elements, which are the foundation to all other dance techniques, are taught and reinforced. Definitions of ballet terms, proper body alignment, musicality and grace are studied. This class will include a mix of ballet and modern dance techniques to help students improve their quality of movement, flexibility, strength and the essential skills to all other dance forms and athletic activities. This class is for ballet levels Broadway Bound and up (not for beginners). 4) Private Lessons (ages 5-19): There’s no better way to turbo-charge your improvement and confidence than studying privately. In the discipline of your choice—PTW offers expert instruction in private dance, acting, voice, guitar, piano, bass, songwriting, music theory, sight singing and audition technique. Each teacher is hand-picked for their enormous expertise specific to the area they teach. Private lessons complement PTW’s group classes, since they help you focus on developing your technique, enabling you to be at the next level when creating, singing, dancing, acting, or playing instruments with others in the group classes.

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