Maplewood/South Orange Professionals in Transition

Event Date: December 10th, 2012 at 8:00pm - 10:00pm
Address : 51 Baker St.
Town : Maplewood

The Maplewood/South Orange Professionals in Transition group will be holding one session in December: this Monday morning, December 10th, from 10 a.m. to 12 noon, in Memorial Hall at the Main Library (51 Baker St. Maplewood, NJ). Our December meeting has developed a tradition, in the last two years, of being a time to celebrate with your fellow professionals in transition. As such, we request that each attendee consider bringing a food or snack or drink item, to the gathering, to share with others. In the past, items such as bagels, coffee, cookies, cakes, etc. have been brought. Perhaps you’d like to make your own creation from a favorite recipe… The session will be a great one for networking with your fellow attendees. As such, we will do that in two formats. There will be casual conversation, and for part of the meeting, professional life coach Tony Calabrese will facilitate a “Structured Speed Networking” portion, that will help attendees get to meet as many people as possible. This format has proven to be successful in other venues, and is one that we\'re looking forward to trying at M/SO PIT. So, whether you have attended one of our events before, or are a first timer, please—tell other people, and—come. We will also have the 2013 schedule available for the group, so you can post it on your calendar. Join us. All are welcome—pass it on—tell your friends/neighbors/colleagues/associates… We always allow time for open networking, both before and after the session. Monday December 10 10:00 a.m. — at least noon Maplewood Library 51 Baker Street Maplewood, NJ Map here: The Maplewood/South Orange Professionals in Transition in person group is part of the online forum Northern NJ Professionals in Transition Join us there, for discussions & and an information archive, too!