Manage Stress With Mindfulness

Event Date: April 13th, 2014 at 10:00am - 2:00pm
Address : Wellspring Health Collective, 697 Valley Street, Maplewood
Town : Maplewood

Join Jean Vitrano for an experiential workshop at the Wellspring Health Collective to learn mindfulness tools to manage our reactions to stress and to strengthen the pathways to happiness. We all encounter stress in small and large ways on a daily basis. From an underlying sense of anxiousness, feeling overwhelmed by life, or dealing with anger or despair, we can prevent these difficult states from getting lodged in our bodies and minds and learn how to cultivate a more readily available sense of contentment and joy. Through mindfulness meditation, learning how to stay with ourselves in difficult or unclear moments, and finding the positive in mind/body practices, we can make profound shifts in how we are in the world. We can stop our habitual, unhelpful patterns with compassion and kindness and find the clarity and spaciousness to feel more ease and greater aliveness. Please wear comfortable clothing and bring a lunch. Pre-registration required; $60 if registered by Mar. 31; $65 after Mar. 31st.