Aspertools: Embracing Autism & Asperger's

Event Date: May 13th, 2015 at 7:30pm - 8:30pm
Address : 179 Maplewood Ave, Maplewood, NJ 07040
Town : Maplewood

Harold \"Hackie\" Reitman will appear live at wordsbookstore to discuss tips and techniques for living on, or with someone, on the Autism Spectrum as taken from his book Aspertools. Aspertools, written from a devoted father’s point of view, provides easy, effective tools for understanding and managing life with and for your “Aspie\" or anyone whose brain is simply different. Each chapter is followed by techniques provided by an educator and/or an Aspie. Aspertools acknowledges the fact that individuals with Asperger’s need more structure and stability and therefore, they require more preparation to manage day to day activities. The guide takes a loving and thoughtful look at the ways their individually wired brains process information differently and how those perceptions affect their daily lives. Dr. Reitman\'s talk will be followed by a Q&A session and a book signing.