4th Annual Tricky Tray

Event Date: December 7th, 2013 at 7:00pm - 10:00pm
Address : 56 Grove Avenue
Town : Verona

Tickets are now on sale for the fourth Annual Tricky Tray of the WOMEN’S LEAGUE of CONGREGATION BETH AHM of VERONA to be held on Saturday, December 7, 2013 at 7:00 pm. There are more than 100 prizes, ranging from baskets of beauty and spa products to great cookware; from children’s toys to pet baskets; and from cinema tickets to gift certificates for local restaurants. FABULOUR GRAND PRIZES s also available as well as a 50/50 RAFFLE and a “TREASURE CHEST” filled with cash. Admission is $15 in advance or $18 at the door, which includes a sheet of 25 tickets plus home baked desserts and coffee. Additional tickets can be purchased at the synagogue office, 56 Grove Avenue, Verona, NJ. (Call 973-239-0754 for hours) or by email to: mariagold@comcast.net or evejacobs@verizon.net. Tables for 8 to 10 may be reserved prior to December 7th. Additional tickets will be available at the event to be held this year at CONGREGATION BETH AHM, 56 GROVE AVENUE, VERONA, NEW JERSEY.

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