"Mommy & Me" Pizza & Pottery

Event Date: May 11th, 2013 at 11:00am - 4:00pm
Address : 1877 Springfield Avenue
Town : Maplewood

Celebrate Mother’s Day with your child at Express Yourself Studios located at 1877 Springfield Avenue in Maplewood. The Studio will host its annual Mother’s Day Pizza & Pottery Workshop, children (ages 2-10) will create a special pottery project with Mom for Mom Saturday, May 11, 11:00am – 1:00pm or 2:00pm – 4:00pm (you choose your time). All materials, plus pizza & beverages provided. Workshop Fee: $35 for Mom/child ($15 each additional sibling). To enroll in this workshop please register 2-3 days prior. Contact Express Yourself Studios 973-763-5256, info@expressyourselfstudios.com or www.expressyourselfstudios.com. Express Yourself Studios is an art studio and art gallery dedicated to being an outlet for children and adults to express themselves creatively via classes in the arts. As well as a space where artist are welcome to display their work and create utilizing the studio’s space, tools and tables. The Studio also offers a Summer Art Workshop, an Artist-in-Residency Program and hosts birthday parties and art events throughout the year. For more information about the studio visit www.expressyourselfstudios.com or read Express Yourself Studios’ Blog at http://expressyourselfstudios.blogspot.com to learn about the Studios’ events & happenings!