Bernie Sanders, champion of the downtrodden

Like the apparatchiks of the old Soviet Union, the "champion of the people" likes to have a nice country dacha (to go along with his other two homes):

South Hero, Vt. (AP) -- U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders, the tribune of working people, has bought his third house for nearly $600,000.
Fresh off the presidential campaign trail, the self-described Democratic socialist bought a seasonal waterfront home on Lake Champlain in North Hero, Vermont, for $575,000.
A Sanders spokesman says the senator and his wife Jane also own a row house in Washington, D.C., and a home in Burlington, Vermont.

Jane O'Meara Sanders says her family recently let go of a home they had owned in Maine, enabling her and her husband to buy the place in the Lake Champlain islands. She says her family had owned a home in Maine since 1900 but rarely had time to go there, particularly in recent years since her parents died. 

Good for him.  Snore.

as if Ron Paul or whoever is the current libertarian hero,  isn't a rich bastard too.  

This is just another troll thread from a usual suspect.

author said:

Just doing the math here but if he owns an apt in D.C. and house and and now a summer house (after his wife sold one for a comparable amount) how does he only have a net worth of $500,000.The 1/2 million is only his liquid worth?  No equity in any of his properties? Mortgaged to the hilt? Houses only in Ms. Sanders name? It doesn't add up from a mathematical perspective.

librarylady said:
author said:

Just doing the math here but if he owns an apt in D.C. and house and and now a summer house (after his wife sold one for a comparable amount) how does he only have a net worth of $500,000.The 1/2 million is only his liquid worth?  No equity in any of his properties? Mortgaged to the hilt? Houses only in Ms. Sanders name? It doesn't add up from a mathematical perspective.

The article is not very specific as to how they came to add up his wealth

If they counted the small amount of real estate he and his wife have managed to accumulate

he would fit comfortably in Maplewood/South Orange

I don't see any great sums of money mentioned in their holdings and if they buried any gold coins,  I don't believe they were worth very much.

Bernie is the real thing and despite my cynicism about Politicians...........I've got a forever "Bern"

A $575,000 home! Wow! They must be rolling in dough! (not)

So Bernie owns three houses mortgage free. One a row house on capitol hill. Nice !!!

So he's an American dream success.

But even being very-well-to do, one can still be for the little people and the downtrodden. Soros and the Clintons come to mind.

Bernie did demagogue against the very rich, billionaires and Wall St. However, he wasn't a hypocrite. I don't remember him down talking his class, the millionaires.

But I suspect he was worried about how his wealth would look. Which is why, like Trump, he never released his taxes.

shoshannah said:

A $575,000 home! Wow! They must be rolling in dough! (not)

I wouldn't mind being able to afford one.

Some folks get rich and get into politics.  Some folks get into politics to get rich.  God Bless America.

He's a politician, not a nun.

"Jane O'Meara Sanders says her family recently let go of a home they had owned in Maine, enabling her and her husband to buy the place in the Lake Champlain islands. She says her family had owned a home in Maine since 1900 ..."

I resent the fact that these plutocrats owned land since 1900 (which might have increased in value a bit), just because their families were here before some of ours.

I trust that "Occupy Lake Champlain" will be gathering to protest.

I don't take this as a dig on Bernie Sanders.  It's human nature.  People are selfish.  He will ask the hard working to make sacrifices.  He will steal from them.  He will live like a king and sleep like a baby.

This is social justice in the eyes of every Socialist/Communist in the history of mankind.  Where have you people been?

terp said:

I don't take this as a dig on Bernie Sanders.  It's human nature.  People are selfish.  He will ask the hard working to make sacrifices.  He will steal from them.  He will live like a king and sleep like a baby.

This is social justice in the eyes of every Socialist/Communist in the history of mankind.  Where have you people been?

"Stealing from the working people" is a big leap from the contents of that article.  Meanwhile, I have a more important question, prompted by this part of the article about Senator Sanders' purchase -

Fresh off the presidential campaign trail, the self-described Democratic socialist bought a seasonal waterfront home on Lake Champlain in North Hero, Vermont ...

How can I get a "No. Hero, VT" postal address?  That would be cool.

Where does he get the $$ for all the stuff he wants to provide "for free" if he isn't going to steal from the wage earners?

terp said:

Where does he get the $$ for all the stuff he wants to provide "for free" if he isn't going to steal from the wage earners?

No fair.  I asked my question first.

terp said:

Where does he get the $$ for all the stuff he wants to provide "for free" if he isn't going to steal from the wage earners?

By "stealing" form those who have stolen.

nohero said:

How can I get a "No. Hero, VT" postal address?  That would be cool.

You can be Bernie's neighbor.

And if he appeared shoe less and in tattered clothing there would be complaints of "How can he represent us?   Sounds like he has lead a middle class existence.  With the raising of four kids and living on a Congressional salary it is a wonder he is not living in a tent.

the crap being flung at the wall over him buying a house?  thats some nonsense.

just for kicks

hoops said:

the crap being flung at the wall over him buying a house?  thats some nonsense.

just for kicks

Is Paul agitating for wealth redistribution through higher taxation? TIA.

LOST said:
terp said:

Where does he get the $$ for all the stuff he wants to provide "for free" if he isn't going to steal from the wage earners?

By "stealing" form those who have stolen.

This is the way anarchists speak.  Are you an anarchist?

Property is theft! (French: La propriété, c'est le vol !) is a slogan coined byFrench anarchist Pierre-Joseph Proudhon in his 1840 book What is Property?  

What is property? may I not likewise answer, It is robbery!, without the certainty of being misunderstood; the second proposition being no other than a transformation of the first?
— Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, What is Property?[I]


Jackson_Fusion said:
hoops said:

the crap being flung at the wall over him buying a house?  thats some nonsense.

just for kicks

Is Paul agitating for wealth redistribution through higher taxation? TIA.

Probably not.  His target audience for his product endorsements are "disaster preppers" who can be sold overpriced "physical gold" and food freeze-drying systems to get ready for economic or societal meltdowns.

RealityForAll said:
LOST said:
terp said:

Where does he get the $$ for all the stuff he wants to provide "for free" if he isn't going to steal from the wage earners?

By "stealing" form those who have stolen.

This is the way anarchists speak.  Are you an anarchist?

Property is theft! (French: La propriété, c'est le vol !) is a slogan coined byFrench anarchist Pierre-Joseph Proudhon in his 1840 book What is Property?  

What is property? may I not likewise answer, It is robbery!, without the certainty of being misunderstood; the second proposition being no other than a transformation of the first?
— Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, What is Property?[I]


Funny because I was going to accuse Terp of being an anarchist, since he implies that all taxation is theft.

All property is not theft in the sense that most people have worked hard for what they have. Many have not. Some are actually thieves. 

But what is the origin of the very idea of "property". Wasn't the first property land? Historically land was acquired through military conquest. Is that theft?

Getting back to taxing "wage earners" why do "Conservatives" so hate what they call "the death tax"? It's a tax on individuals who acquire property by having the right parents, that is, by sheer luck not work.

LOST said:
RealityForAll said:
LOST said:
terp said:

Where does he get the $$ for all the stuff he wants to provide "for free" if he isn't going to steal from the wage earners?

By "stealing" form those who have stolen.

This is the way anarchists speak.  Are you an anarchist?

Property is theft! (French: La propriété, c'est le vol !) is a slogan coined byFrench anarchist Pierre-Joseph Proudhon in his 1840 book What is Property?  

What is property? may I not likewise answer, It is robbery!, without the certainty of being misunderstood; the second proposition being no other than a transformation of the first?
— Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, What is Property?[I]


Funny because I was going to accuse Terp of being an anarchist, since he implies that all taxation is theft.

All property is not theft in the sense that most people have worked hard for what they have. Many have not. Some are actually thieves. 

But what is the origin of the very idea of "property". Wasn't the first property land? Historically land was acquired through military conquest. Is that theft?

Getting back to taxing "wage earners" why do "Conservatives" so hate what they call "the death tax"? It's a tax on individuals who acquire property by having the right parents, that is, by sheer luck not work.

Ask him to explain why he believes 19th C America was freer than today (a claim he's made), and try not to let him hand-wave away the massive wealth transfer from native Americans and African Americans that made that economy possible. Let me know how that goes.

Also, as to the OP, unless Sanders was pushing a policy to limit the number of homes people own, I don't really see what the supposed problem here is.

Just finishing up work on my late Uncle's Estate in Pennsylvania.  He and his wife lived long and fruitful lives.  They had both worked the entire time and no one gave them anything

The State of Pensylvania saw fit to levy Estate Taxes on   His home

                                                                                        The furniture within  

                                                                                        His car     

                                                                                        And anything you would have thought would

                                                                                        have fallen between the cracks

                                                                                        In his 90 years he did accumulate a sizable 


He had told me I would have to liquidate his stocks, bonds, annuities, gold coin collection etc

I was more than happy when his Law Firm told me they would do the "Heavy lifting"

Their fee,  which they showed me on a chart  which only Einstein could read,  should be substantial

After the Heirs,  State of Pennsylvania, the Law Firm are all paid off ,  the balance will go to his religious group

My Big Fat Greek Family will have their lives improved slightly by their Uncle and friend

He taught me well

PVW said:

Also, as to the OP, unless Sanders was pushing a policy to limit the number of homes people own, I don't really see what the supposed problem here is.


Bernie Sanders, from a poor family, received an education in public schools and grew up to be a United States Senator, and have enough money for a nice house or two or three. (Not a mansion with an elevator for his car).  What he advocates is that people from poor backgrounds have the same opportunity he had. He knows that he got help along the way and wants to help others. 

Some people from humble backgrounds who "have made it" think they did it all on their own and look down upon those who have not made it.

LOST said:
PVW said:

Also, as to the OP, unless Sanders was pushing a policy to limit the number of homes people own, I don't really see what the supposed problem here is.


Bernie Sanders, from a poor family, received an education in public schools and grew up to be a United States Senator, and have enough money for a nice house or two or three. (Not a mansion with an elevator for his car).  What he advocates is that people from poor backgrounds have the same opportunity he had. He knows that he got help along the way and wants to help others. 

Some people from humble backgrounds who "have made it" think they did it all on their own and look down upon those who have not made it.

This really says it all and there's very little to add other than if the only people able to advocate for the poor are the poor, what hope do you think they have? 

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