Pedestrian struck

A pedestrian was struck about one hour ago by Columbia high school. Does anyone have any information as to how the person is?

safetyfirst said:

A pedestrian was struck about one hour ago by Columbia high school. Does anyone have any information as to how the person is?

No.  Just two Nixle alerts, one for Beach and the other for Prospect and Parker.  Cause was identified as a motor vehicle accident.  Thank you for providing the likely explanation.  There are far too many pedestrians being hit by cars these days.

65 year old man was hit on Prospect at Parker, motorcycle driver was ticketed for speeding and reckless driving. 

Jaytee said:

65 year old man was hit on Prospect at Parker, motorcycle driver was ticketed for speeding and reckless driving. 

Is the pedestrian OK?   That corner has marked crosswalks and a working traffic light.  What more needs to be done to protect pedestrians trying to cross Prospect Street?  Would a pedestrian only interval for that traffic light help reduce the risk?

joan_crystal said:

Is the pedestrian OK?   That corner has marked crosswalks and a working traffic light.  What more needs to be done to protect pedestrians trying to cross Prospect Street?  Would a pedestrian only interval for that traffic light help reduce the risk?

He was taken to the hospital in an ambulance. I’m guessing he’s okay, with non life threatening injuries. As okay as can be after being hit by a motorcycle. I’m wondering if it’s someone I know. 

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