I would probably post here a lot more if... (Login Issues)

I could stay logged in. Really, really frustrating.

Hopefully this posts before I get bumped off again.

What operating system are you on - we seemed to have solved this with most users and haven't heard any issues since the fix.

Also - go to this page and email me the results if you could:



I have the same issue. What are you looking for? The ip address?

did this start happening the past few days or since the switch?

I have been signed out more in the last week than before. Whatever the fix was for others made it worse for me.

On android with chrome

I have to log in again every time I open a browser. With the old site, I'd fire it up and be logged in automatically, as on Facebook. Much more convenient.

ok, we had a fix that went into place on May 23rd, after that most people who were having the issue were fine. The way it was set up - you should only have to log in once per browser and it should save your info for half a year. Since then - I've only heard from one other person who was intermittently getting logged out.

Another server tweak occurred the past couple days, so I thought that may have affect some login issues, and I was wondering if the issues was days old or weeks old.

Please email me if you're having login issues and can't post here: jamie@maplewoodonline.com

Jamie, strange, I don't have ANY problems, never have. Perhaps those with issues have to consider their own. LOL! Hey, seemed like a good thread to throw a nuke into. Best part is, the fallout is harmless, LOL!

@jamie, this has been consistent since the switch. I get bumped off every couple of minutes, sometimes while I'm composing a post. I'm on an iPhone 5, don't know what OS, but I haven't updated in a while (although I haven't been notified of any available updates). I sent you that document. Did you get it

Bumped every two minutes? Are you blocking cookies?

I blame Dave.

So does his Mom.

Jamie was always her favorite.

dave said:
Bumped every two minutes? Are you blocking cookies?

Not blocking cookies as far as I know. Changed no settings

I have to log in again every time I change networks. From mobile to Wi-Fi, or between work and home networks.

That's really my issue.

dave said:
Bumped every two minutes? Are you blocking cookies?

Who blocks cookies? Cookies are yummy!

I have MOL logged in on four devices. The only one I've had to sign in on since the update is my home PC because I don't use it very much..

DEFCON_Creator said:

dave said:
Bumped every two minutes? Are you blocking cookies?
Who blocks cookies? Cookies are yummy!

In Soviet Russia, cookie blocks YOU

Logged out again, overnight. Chrome on Android.

Cookies are not blocked -- wouldn't the most-used web sites all show problems if they were? I'm certainly getting enough targeted ads...

Seems to be a phone-related problem.

I've been logged in for over a week on this PC, using a dynamic - rather than static - IP.

Interestingly, I've been bouncing back and forth between Chrome and Opera on Android, and Opera on my PC, and I haven't gotten booted on any device or browser since the last security fix. Not discounting other people's problems. Just providing another data point.

If it matters, I'm on Lollipop on a GS4.

Try this:

Login without "Remember me"
Close browser
and then open browser and access WW

MOL (WorldWebs) - http://maplewood.worldwebs.com

I get logged out all the time using Firefox.

meandtheboys said:
Alas, it didn't work.

Can you email the full results of this page:


I didn't get many details in the last email sent. Make sure it says cookies enabled.

Is it happening at work - at home - on mobile, tablet PC?

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