American Billionaires are Dumb archived

Tom_R said:

It kind of makes one wonder whether all the dismay over Citizens United was warranted.

It doesn't make ME wonder. I'm still as dismayed as ever. Those who contribute hugely will feel owed. That's not something I'm happy about. Are you happy about it?


Personally, I really don't care if donors feel they're owed; as long as there's no quid pro quo, in the form of governmental policy, for the donation. On the other hand, if a winning candidate feels that they owe the donor something in the form of governmental policy - then, I have problems.

But hey! The donor still only gets one vote, and if we elect somebody who is willing to trade their office for the donation, shame on us. If we re-elect somebody willing to do so - well, I guess we get the officials, and the government, for which we asked.


P.s., I asked in another thread why you preferred kerosene lanterns to propane. I'd be interested in your reasons.

Of course the donor wants to extract something in return for the donation. Cooperman was friggin' ballistic that he didn't receive a hand-written thank you note for his grand-daughter's poems. Imagine how he'd feel after a $1 million donation.

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