Maplewood/South Orange Professionals in Transition

Event Date: May 20th, 2013 at 10:00am - 12:00pm
Address : 51 Baker St.
Town : Maplewood

The Maplewood/South Orange Professionals in [employment] Transition in person group will focus on two very appropriate topics, for those in career change, during the month of May. We meet (generally on alternating weeks) from 10 a.m. to 12 noon at the Main Library, 51 Baker Street, in Maplewood, NJ. On Monday May 6th, Alex Freund returns to address the group on the topic “The Interview in the 21st Century.” Known as “The Landing Expert,” Mr. Freund has had much experience on both sides of the interview desk—as both a job applicant and a hiring manager; now he’s a highly respected, and renowned, career coach. Alex has helped numerous people navigate the interview process throughout the years. For more information about Mr. Freund, please see: On May 20th, one of the facilitators of M/SO PIT, Anthony Calabrese, will lead an open discussion on “Finding a Networking Approach That Works For You.” Although some find networking uncomfortable, there are a number of different ways to approach it. Tony will share much of what he has learned over the last several years—and encourages participants to share their thoughts on what they have learned about networking as they have been in their employment search. You can check out Tony’s website here: Please join us. All are welcome—pass it on—tell your friends/neighbors/colleagues/associates… We always allow time for open networking, both before and after the session. Mondays May 6 and 20 10:00 a.m. — at least noon Maplewood Library 51 Baker Street Maplewood, NJ Map here: The Maplewood/South Orange Professionals in Transition in person group is part of the online forum Northern NJ Professionals in Transition Join us there, for discussions & and an information archive, too!